Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [be] [conj] there " in BNC.

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1 The only good news for drivers was that there will be no snow .
2 Their justification for TCG was that there is no fundamental difference between capital gains and income , since they both represent ‘ accretion of economic power ’ and should both , therefore , be taxed .
3 Perhaps the only glimmer of hope is that there has been no increase in the use of heroin , cocaine and crack just 1.2pc admit to trying them , the same as in 1990 .
4 Erm two things now have cropped up number one of course is that there 's a fair chance within the next year we 're gon na lose Bill anyway through civilianisation , and secondly er the fact that er his boss er Rick has said to him , look I do n't want you going up a division any more to do erm A L O work , quite reasonably , he 's not being funny about it , it 's quite reasonable , cos its mileage .
5 But of course , of course is if there is any evidence whatsoever er of financial mismanagement in the police authority it is a matter which has to be properly investigated .
6 Er indeed the directive was promulgated as the minister said but I do n't think it was a bolt out of the blue , it was of course something that we around for some considerable time before that and of course that excuse hardly applies to the delay in establishing the European parliamentary constituency committees , er as the minister er will know very well , it was merely a matter of seven weeks , er the excuse being that had they had another seven weeks they could have had the public inquiry stage , the reality of course was that there was plenty of time to do this in good time and in good order and without the confusion that exists now er around the candidatures and the boundaries of the existing European boundaries .
7 The implication here for policy-makers who would wish to promote movement away from transmission patterns of teaching is that there is a need to ease and improve those conditions that currently incline teachers towards survival more than mere coping , and towards the control-centred transmission-style pedagogies that follow from it .
8 A further source of uncertainty is that there is no single set of terms in use among researchers and census-takers for the different ethnic groups .
9 One outcome of this narrow view of data is that there is a concentration on ‘ artificially contrived sentences isolated from their communicative context ’ ( see Preface to Givón ( ed. ) , 1979 ) .
10 What makes the situation especially difficult in the case of homosexuality is that there are those who arm their homophobia by ignoring the first dimension described above — an exile which generates critique — insisting only on the second — the exile who flees one kind of discrimination only to reproduce others , and who is seen to do so in virtue of the alleged ‘ predatory ’ nature of the homosexual desire , now quintessentially defined as a desire to exploit the disadvantaged .
11 The simplest form of empiricism is that there is a single method for both : observe , notice a pattern , generalize , test for new instances .
12 When Christopher Steffen , reportedly a slash and burn merchant when it comes to cutting costs and staff , quit Eastman Kodak Co on Wednesday after just seven weeks in the job of chief financial officer of Eastman Kodak Co , saying that the team was agreed on the objectives , but had irreconcilable differences on how to get from here to there , IBM Corp shares jumped for joy in anticipation that he was about to be named finance chief — but the joy subsided and so did the share price , off 87.5 cents at $49 when nothing happened yesterday ; word out of IBM is that there is an appointment already to be announced , but unless the fact that Steffen is now at a loose end causes a last-minute re-think , he is not the man that IBM has in mind .
13 The general consensus of opinion is that there are a number of stresses that affect trees , including climate , frost , drought , insects , fungi and unnatural air pollution .
14 One of the problems facing analysis of needs is that there are often several sets of needs in operation , for example , the needs of the individual , the needs of the library , needs of the parent authority , needs of the profession .
15 A further reason for the small number of appeals is that there is only a small pool of cases involving principally the interpretation of legislation or the resolution of conflicting cases .
16 And the general run of hosiery is that there is of course that there 's a lot more females than males but in our side pretty equal .
17 erm clarification because for people like me that are interested in the total provision of employment land in the district , erm what I 'm hearing for example in the case of Harrogate is that there is an allocation of employment land of of sixty hectares plus the Greater York allocation .
18 The net result of this state of affairs is that there exist citadels of private economic power ( Unger , 1983 ) — that is , relatively small groups of people who are in a position to control the basic terms of collective prosperity by making crucial decisions about investment and deployment of capital .
19 One uncomfortable consequence of the seemly recognition of the needs of the rest of Europe is that there is no way of bringing Central Europe into the fold except by letting its members earn their keep , implying a repartition of the industrial division of labour now in place .
20 The central fact to acknowledge about any sort of storage is that there is rarely enough of it , and this is certainly true in the kitchen .
21 The main problem with this type of analysis is that there are so many different " anti-monde " to choose between ( Winters 1987 ) .
22 The only criticism which has been made of the c se the A sixty four sector north east of York is that there i significant amount of cover ma'am .
23 The proposal of the attitude theory of ethics is that there is ; another class of declarative statements which express so-called attitudes , in just the sense in which straight declarative factual statements express beliefs .
24 Now because score A has plus one , B has plus one er then it 's negative , negative , slight difference there on the negatives but both negatives and both pos both positive , what you 'd say for those sets of scores are that there 's probably a positive correlation between A and B and if we look at the total of each one of those multiplied together , it comes up with about plus eight .
25 The only reason that you can make progress in that sort of situation is if there 's a body of opinion that says that you should .
26 The logical consequence of this view of consumers ' use of advertising is that there is a far greater chance of involving potential customers in the ads for more complex and expensive products .
27 The other reason we claim so often to be arguing about a matter of principle is that there is so little substance in many arguments that a reference to principle is necessary in order to sustain the argument .
28 A problem with this point of view is that there is in fact no evidence of descent groups having ever existed without these two levels and it seems difficult to treat all documented cases as transitions from a stage for which there is no evidence .
29 Another attractive feature of retributivism is that there is a natural connection between the retributive approach and the idea that offenders have rights .
30 What might be called the traditional view of the effect of the capital structure on the price of shares is that there is an optimal debt-equity mix which will maximize the value of the company 's securities .
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