Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [pron] may [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The character on stage , for reasons which may possibly be explained by the insertion of a line or two into the script , wears a deaf-aid … ’
2 Period rooms in a museum are usually reconstructions and interpretations of the past , though they may well contain primary source material , the furniture and genuine artefacts from the past , and an assortment of objects which may well belong to the same period but which come from many different sources .
3 ‘ Belief ’ may well be a dangerous word , implying , as it does , an act of faith which may often be unwarranted .
4 I 've been meaning for many weeks now to pass on 's French address , which filtered through to us in January — but of course you may already have had it from or heard from Janet yourself .
5 The restriction of conspiracy might seem to put the plaintiff at a disadvantage if the unlawful means is a tort against a third party or the breach of a contract to which the defendant is not a party but this is not necessarily so , for the defendant 's procurement of the commission of the tort may again expose him to liability as a joint tortfeasor , and as to a breach of contract he may anyway have committed the substantive tort of interference with an existing contract .
6 It reduces the weights of rules which may never have occurred in any conflict set .
7 But if the long-term trajectory of ‘ law and order ’ in Britain is not the unilinear march of civility which may once have seemed plausible , what is it ?
8 The present system of allocations , in which some stately committee offers the franchise to the most persuasive ( or plausible ) claimant on the basis of pledges which may never be fulfilled , is , all agree , very near indefensible .
9 Speakers ' use of creole varieties lie along a continuum , from varieties of creole which may well be incomprehensible to a speaker of Standard English , to varieties much closer to Standard English ;
10 The need to survive is , after all , the most basic instinct we have , and it is necessary to use one 's powers of intuition to detect the change of mind which may well accompany the facing of possible extinction .
11 Hypotheses , then , help us to refine theory by bringing more details into consideration in areas of research which may previously have only been explored in a rather sketchy way .
12 Meanwhile , the rise of ‘ a new kind of economy … threatening to many , demanding rapid changes in work , life-style and habits , hurls large populations terrified of the future into spasms of diehard reaction … instead of the much-touted end of ideology , we may , in both global and domestic affairs , see a multiplicity of new ideologies spring up … instead of President Bush 's famous thousand points of light we may well face a thousand fires of fury . ’
13 When leaving the late night performances , would patrons please be considerate of the residents of Headington who may already be asleep .
14 If our climate continues to be as mild as it has been for the last couple of winters we may yet challenge our French and German competitors ! ’
15 Audiences yearn to groan under the yoke of suffering they may never have experienced .
16 If you are getting a ‘ low light ’ warning in the viewfinder , take a careful look at the picture before giving up on the shot ; if the light is only marginally below par it may still be worth taking despite the warning .
17 A final point on this type of clause : if what is regarded as an initially reasonable figure is inserted in standard conditions and remains unchanged for a number of years it may well have become unreasonable through the impact of inflation , either in an absolute sense , or because average contract values have increased .
18 The ideological commitment to equality between the sexes reinforces expectations about male participation in the very early stages of parenthood which may subsequently be disappointed by social , biological and practical realities .
19 The secret I find and you may over the next day or day and a half to a couple of days you may well see me just do that occasionally I 'll just throw my hands back down to me side .
20 If we accept the authority of Jesus we may well accept the New Testament as the source of all our knowledge of him and of his teaching .
21 Yet millions of Europeans who may never have heard of Freud 's name are now affected by his work , even when this is grotesquely misinterpreted .
22 For example , when children show off in front of strangers they may really be communicating their uncertainty , even ( paradoxically ) their shyness .
23 Bacterial meningitis can present with acute disturbance of behaviour which may closely mimic substance abuse .
24 A depressive reaction of psychotic proportion frequently occurs alone but in other cases it may be replaced by a state of mania which may also , though more rarely , be found without swings into depression .
25 The other emerges when he remarks in the opening lines ‘ the regular yet halting rhythm , the smooth uncertainty of movement which may either proceed to greater regularity or fall away into improvisation ’ .
26 And for a very small number of patients it may also avert a psychiatric disorder .
27 Automatic Teller Machine ( ATM ) cards , or other forms of plastic which may already be in your pocket , cost less and serve just as well , provided you do not stray too far from the beaten track .
28 There is however one kind of inclination which may legitimately be classed as inherently egoistic or altruistic , the biological drive either to self-preservation or to preservation of offspring or others .
29 In response to this line of thought it may well be pointed out that the subordination of woman to man is depicted in scripture as having resulted from the fall .
30 This court is in no way prejudging any defence of justification which may hereafter be raised in those libel proceedings .
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