Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [conj] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Banks argued against the changes but acknowleged the need for change and so supported the Cheque Act .
2 Where are the 365 collecting boxes for last year 's Ian Botham Walk for Leukaemia that never made it back to Corporate Communications ?
3 Foot soldiers used daggers extensively to disable unhorsed knights ; these daggers were known as cultelli and occasionally approached the length of a short sword .
4 He poured a cup of watered wine for Corbett and then joined him , sipping carefully while studying the English clerk .
5 The victory of Roman imperialism can in its turn be described as the result of four factors : the new direction given by Rome to the social — that is the military — forces of old Italy ; the utter inability of any Hellenistic army to match the Romans in the field ; the painful erosion of Celtic civilization and its appendages which went on for centuries and ultimately enabled the Romans to control the resources of western Europe from the Atlantic to the Danubian regions ; and finally the cooperation of Greek intellectuals with Italian politicians and writers in creating a new bilingual culture which gave sense to life under Roman rule .
6 And it 's not just in this country that memories of a Britain in which everyone wore a vest , ate toasted crumpets for tea and never went out without a hat that these programmes are appreciated .
7 He paused for effect and then carried on rapidly .
8 They claimed to have the weapon purely for self-defence but also had a set of viciously spiked knuckle-dusters .
9 Next morning they attended the Requiem Mass for their dead colleague who had been dressed by the monks for burial and now lay in a new pine coffin in front of the sanctuary steps of the abbey church .
10 James nodded to him as though for confirmation and then said loudly , ‘ Let us go to the Castle — ’ He became aware that the further reaches of the crowd were out of hearing and shouted at the top of his voice , ‘ Let us go — along to the Castle — and let us see — what John Menzies — will do about the Act ! ’
11 On to the Poet Laureate , Lord Tennyson and Volume I only of his Works , a book which ordinarily , as an odd volume , might well have been sold for £1 or less had not the inscription on the title turned it into a desirable association item .
12 The group went round the course for month after month but wisely came to the conclusion yet again that they did not intend to alter the basis of the health service .
13 Patrick went after Chris and simply took the trolley from her .
14 On Wednesday evening , the Admiral looked in on the club after dinner and Amiss heard him say goodnight to the five , remarking that he had a little work to do in the office , after which he would get back home and turn in : he looked forward to seeing them the following day .
15 She went upstairs to change after luncheon and then took herself to the chair by her bedroom hearth , and said she should want nothing further , all afternoon .
16 We grouped for lunch and again filled our bottles from a spring and got underway .
17 The interesting finding of the study , which you did not mention , was that there were differences in pre-buyout performance between companies that successfully underwent LBOs and those that failed .
18 It was all very well for Connie to say , as she sometimes did , that Scarlet 's therapist might know all there was to know about psychoanalysis but clearly knew sod-all about human nature .
19 He took in that fact for the first time ; in spite of his knowing job , he had a clownish naîveté about fate and always tended to be innocent of the possibility of calamity .
20 A strong bloc of townsmen worth £10 and upwards made the average wealth of Bodmin , Cornwall , a trifle higher than in the rest of Trigg hundred , even though the taxed wage earners , who formed a negligible element in the country parishes , exceeded 40 per cent in the borough itself , numbers which point to a concentration of men who had effectively severed kinship ties with the Celtic extended family that so influenced the social structure of many villages .
21 In many parts of the Asian elephants ' range the slaughter began with the coming of colonial man , who not only shot for sport but also cleared the forest for rubber and other crops and naturally did not want elephants to undo his good work .
22 Like Mr Kravchuk , Khmelnytsky won independence for Ukraine but then lost it by making a fatal alliance with Russia .
23 Those policemen who have racist views are faced with problems when the hero on celluloid is black , but when discussing such an instance , one policeman expressed his dislike for blacks but still found the film ‘ brilliant ’ ( FN 9/10/87 , p. 57 ) .
24 In a broader context , it can , as ideological preference may urge , be regarded either as part of the exercise in the 1860s of that liberal political wisdom which freely conceded timely advances to the advocates of change and so harnessed their energies and aspirations to the support of the general interest in the maintenance of stability and the creation of wealth in a prospering nation ; or as part of the calculated manipulation of events so as to ensure the preservation of the existing social structure against fundamental changes such as the institution of a juster order would require .
25 There were natural concerns about ensuring a degree of parity of gradings and structures between and within Colleges , not least to avoid industrial relations disputes ; it was also necessary to take due account of the frameworks and levels of expertise that then existed and evolve a strategy for change , rather than take radical action .
26 The subscription was 5/- a year if paid in one sum or 1/6 a quarter but all persons under 20 years of age one shilling quarterly , for which they received a signed ticket of admission and also had the privilege of introducing a lady to the free lectures , the members themselves were admitted ( at half price ) to lectures where a charge was made .
27 The victory over the Galatians consolidated the state of Pergamum and probably provided Attalus I with the right occasion for declaring himself king .
28 It had originally been built from the proceeds of the sale of indulgences and originally had on it a chapel to St. Anne .
29 Included in our definition were people who had mild chronic renal failure who suffered an acute or chronic deterioration of function and then made some recovery .
30 There followed a burst of building that radically changed the face of the city .
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