Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [pron] give they " in BNC.

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1 Of course you give them back to the client .
2 If we get first division people I 'll do it a different way to him if I had to end up with second division people and the responsibilities they take on board will very much reflect that and the same surely should happen to the field sales force erm their abilities are reflected in in what sort of activities we give them and by looking at the people we have we then put together a team to most accurately attack whatever we want to do .
3 They preferred their little aerosols of teargas which gave them a false sense of security .
4 It was the goals from McStay , McAllister and McClair which gave the Scots a stirring win in Norrkoping , and the bite of McCall which gave them a formidable balance .
5 It was widespread among craft unions like the wool combers who were said to have become " one society throughout the kingdom … if any of their club is out of work they give them a ticket and money to seek for work at the next town where a box club is " .
6 Early air travellers often flew for adventure , not just speed , and some travellers today , who do not have to cram a two-week break into a busy year , have gone back to earlier forms of transport which give them a far sharper sense of going places .
7 Religious language provided women with a powerful critique of male sexuality , a language of outrage which gave them their means of representation into the male world of public political debate .
8 So they devised a lot of things themselves to give them a a a helping hand .
9 Scientism is a not-unattractive doctrine , and was especially so to a rising professional middle-class who associated with it theories of eugenics and of mankind which gave them a pleasing sense of class and racial superiority ; but in the later nineteenth century there was no reason to anticipate these darker sides of progress .
10 The reason why we consider it important to have a specialist day care centre for sufferers of dementia is because of the following areas which can cause tremendous problems in a " NORMAL " situation but the specialist unit will be trained to respond in a very positive way : a Mood changes b Individual capabilities c Higher level of care required for the moderate to severely demented clients d Creates a greater depth of security through familiarity and able to get to know the client e Positive attitudes towards dementia f Clients with a severe dementia may require 2 carers g Greater stimulation in the appropriate surroundings creates greater awareness in the home environment h A place where the clients can be " NORMAL " i Helps reduce the possibility of the clients becoming apathetic Time to spend with a group and work at their own pace k Not creating a ghetto but creating a positive environment where they can get the most out of their lives — improve their quality of life I Gives them confidence m On-going deterioration can be catered for , eg feeding , toileting and many other problems The specialist day care centre is only a part of a flexible range of services available to dementia sufferers in the community .
11 Their expressions were drained of personality which gave them the family resemblance possessed by a flock of sheep .
12 ‘ People ought to be able to decide whether they want to take risks on the basis of information which gives them an idea of how much risk there is , ’ says Helen Peggs , ‘ but at the moment the information they get is often distorted . ’
13 Though one always has to treat figures such as these with caution , it does seem that the line-out project had considerable success both in terms of a reduction in operator dissatisfaction , reflected in lower turnover and a less rapid increase in absenteeism than other parts of the plant , and in terms of very substantial savings for management because of the increased flexibility of production it gave them .
14 All were firm but kind with the eagles , who were passive in return , but for a very few like Kraal who gave them as much trouble as he could .
15 The Young Engineers Clubs aim to encourage a greater number of Scotland 's more able youngsters to continue with subjects which give them the option of tertiary education in science or engineering .
16 As specifications become more and more stringent , so they work increasingly with suppliers who give them exactly what they need .
17 gets past but he ca n't get past and Shrewsbury are breaking with it but they 're still inside their own half at the moment with Kevin who gave them the fighting chance with the original equalizer inside the first half .
18 If professions have an implied contract with society which gives them ‘ status , authority and privilege ’ then society wants certain assurances in return … skill is not enough , there must be a code of ethics which indicates how clients and patients should be served and the attitudes that should be accepted …
19 Perhaps it would have been too easy : they 'd made love the first night they met , both involved with women who gave them pain .
20 cylinders of butter wrapped in butter-muslin which gives them a ‘ cloudy ’ appearance .
21 In return he gave them other ground at the rear of the church and also on the right-hand side of the new road and bordering Killicomaine Road .
22 Are all health education co-ordinators in positions which give them sufficient ‘ clout ’ to take decisions forward ?
23 Venality was rife ; the precedent of even groups as illustrious as the Beatles and the Stones signing to contracts which gave them only a penny a record had become legendary : at the end of the Sixties , Allen Klein had achieved notoriety for his dexterous accounting abilities , working for both groups in the role of both ‘ finder ’ extracting hidden royalties from the record company for the group — and ‘ taker ’ — extracting them from the group for himself .
24 I paused before replying to her , because if you pause before replying to people it gives them the foolish idea that you 've actually listened to what they 've said , and I said of course darling .
25 What our users want is adequate information about regular , punctual services , on buses which give them a comfortable ride in a clean environment , driven by skilled and courteous drivers .
26 Her Black Sea fleet had by this time been destroyed , the allies had landed not only in the Crimea but also at Nikolaev to the west and Novorossiisk to the east , and the Turks retained a position at Sukhumi which gave them the chance of counter-attacking in the direction of Tiflis .
27 Marianne Tranter , a psychiatric social worker at the Hospital for Sick Children , Great Ormond Street , London , told the audience of nurses and social workers that abused children are ‘ seduced ’ by paedophiles who give them rewards and make threats about disclosure .
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