Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [noun] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In our Ideas in Action programme I shall be talking to Dr Mike King about teaching science to very young children in schools .
2 The new text of Article 92 , quoted above , now explicitly gives the member states leeway for support measures with specifically cultural objectives .
3 But the real wonder of pop biopics is that no one has made a movie about Jim Morrison before now ( The Doors opens on March 15 ) .
4 Altogether , says Mr De Benedetti , between 1988 and 1991 Olivetti paid just over 10 billion lire to Italy 's political parties in exchange for ministry contracts worth about 500 billion lire .
5 I remind the House that since 1979 the Government have approved over £7.5 billion of new investment and have provided for grant aid of about £17 billion to the industry .
6 Dear mister travel agent please accept this as part payment of so and so .
7 The current backhander from central London to Heathrow for instance amounts to about £5 a cab .
8 These divergent views on the demand for money lead to very different policy conclusions .
9 She had been living in Crow Court off Vetch Street for nearly a week , and the narrow lives of the people among whom she found herself appalled her .
10 Mac had said something about his fondness for wind instruments without actually saying what he played .
11 It is to be hoped that data-base technology can be developed quickly enough to meet the imminent requirements for data management in very large hyper-bases .
12 They took the lead through David Reeves in only the fifth minute .
13 Not out of the radio sets themselves , mind you , but — about a month after legalization — he flogged cassette tapes on ‘ How to keep a conversation going on CB ’ , with a follow-up manual listing good ‘ handles ’ ( mostly pinched from Lord of the Rings ) for Citizen Banders with absolutely no imagination .
14 Mechanical compaction and brittle failure may also take place after cementation , both as a result of shrinkage , expansion , and subsequent fracturing beneath a soil zone ( Fig. 5.16e ) , and , commonly , as a result of secondary porosity creation during burial diagenesis in both carbonate and siliciclastic host sediments ( Fig. 5.18d , e ) .
15 As mentioned above , one patient experienced severe rebleeding six months after initial successful sclerotherapy and has had no rebleeding after emergency operation until now ( four months ) .
16 At the budget end of the market , the compact 45 litre Ryland Pollypak is constructed from black polypropylene and supplied flat-packed for home assembly at just £26.99 .
17 Allow yourself time for home thoughts from abroad .
18 Recently , plastic pipe has become available for home plumbing for both hot and cold water pipes .
19 She had been feeling like this about Dr Russell for nearly a year .
20 Nellie had put him to bed thinking it was a cold , then hearing of the scarlet fever in Newry through Tommy Drennan , she sent for Dr Nolan at once .
21 Mr Lucas said Michael worked for Bond Corporation for around five years and was trusted so greatly he was given responsibility for the security of international VIPs who visited Western Australia during Bond 's America 's Cup defence three years ago .
22 They found that , after allowing for transactions costs of about 1% , the no-arbitrage condition for intracommodity spreads was met .
23 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what assessment he has made of the attractiveness of the United Kingdom as a location for telecommunications headquarters of internationally mobile companies .
24 thinking about salad stuff for tonight .
25 Conversely , for window sizes of less than four words , strong overlap alone is the most effective .
26 The general criteria above suggest a range of assessment tasks in both practical and written test modes .
27 Heads it 's Spring … a lovely display of Easter bonnets from just a few of the 25 children who took part in a magnificent parade at the Sally Ann Playgroup , Amery Street , Alton on Friday morning .
28 Graham has been put before seminars of skin specialists from all over the British Isles — and has even seen one expert from Canada .
29 Eventually you will reach the point where you will wonder why one thumb appears to be getting tired and will look down to find that you were holding on a lot of stick trim without even being aware of it !
30 if it 's doing that for everyone and there 's a mountain of scrap paper in there
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