Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [noun] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 Samuel begged the company 's indulgence as chairman elect to entertain them with a short piece in Sir Thomas 's absence .
2 PIBS , which are a form of security specially created for building societies to help them raise funds , are irredeemable and subordinated to all other creditors and shareholders of the building society .
3 However , their budgets are small : the 1988 Action for Cities programme granted them £20 million .
4 And Felton 's miscue off Neil Smith offered them a glimmer of hope .
5 Hot Pressed paper pass through a set of heated rollers after sheet formation to give them a smooth , plate finish .
6 Firstly , to attract bright and enthusiastic people into our operation who we could then train up from scratch , and secondly , to provide a channel for individuals who already have some bakery or catering experience , and for whom our kind of operation could offer the opportunities for management development denied them elsewhere .
7 In such circumstances , Mr Cruickshank said it is ‘ crucial that up-to-the-minute information is readily available for NHS managers to enable them to make informed decisions on pay and staffing ’ .
8 If someone wants to pay 3.0 mil for Deane god help them — are then any quoted values on Rush and Ferd — both players we have recently been linked with .
9 Members of Headquarters Battery follow them with varying degrees of success .
10 Cold icy winds swept under the gaps of cottage doors rattling them fiercely .
11 Scotmid was among the first in the field to introduce bar-code readers to their store checkouts , and the use of computer stocktaking brings them soundly into the 1990s .
12 So we know , we should and remember of course that in the book Freud chooses two examples as Joy told me the church and the army and these are just examples and of course Freud chooses them partly because they 're very big groups so they in some ways they er exemplify the principles he 's talking about because clearly in a small group like this you could say well look , what is going on is really I mean we all have , we all know each other and it 's a face-to-face group and really what happens here is an of the dynamics group and I think it is actually .
13 As this liaison officer recognised , the basic level of skills training equipped them only for unskilled work and they had to learn to cope with compromise :
14 But Mr Garrett said others who have taken only the three-hour assessment are responding to pursuits despite force guidelines prohibiting them .
15 It will take more than the prospect of weight savings to prompt them to abandon this safe method .
16 ABC will be conducting a review of employee benefits to bring them into line with those of ABC ( i.e. pensions ) ;
17 Companies which will succeed , he said , will be those with the flexibility of management infrastructure enabling them to change direction in line with technology developments .
18 Three feet of desk top separated them .
19 The development of private health care and more charges being made for the use of the National Health Services will , no doubt , encourage people to seek some form of reference book to help them cope with ill health at home .
20 Popular images of parent-child relationships put them in a special category , distinct from other kin relationships , and suggest that this is where we will find the strongest feelings of duty and obligation .
21 As he put the glass to his lips to wash out the thought , his eye caught the soldierly portraits all around , the Divisional insignia above the mantelpiece , the roll of battle honours flanking them on each side , and he had a sudden vision of the mess walls decorated not with these trumpery monuments to man 's stupidity but with the torn and mangled limbs of countless unfortunates and , in the place of honour , Corporal Byford 's shattered , still bleeding leg .
22 The clothes of skinhead girls made them look superficially like the boys .
23 tone your breasts by spraying them with alternate bursts of warm and cold water then smooth on lots of body lotion to keep them looking their best .
24 Counter sunk rivets may be used and then skimmed with a small amount of body filler to hide them .
25 The impact of the National Curriculum and all the changes it brings with it gives heads a pressing reason — just as Mr Baker 's off-the-peg allocation of incentive allowances gives them an opportunity — to review the structures and responsibilities of management in their schools .
26 It received a good deal less consideration than it deserved from those whose concern with the quality of teacher education led them ( as it led us ) to the opposite view .
27 The Yorkshire region has , for a number of years now , combined the Health and Safety Officer 's job with that of the regional education officer the two have always married together very well in the principal thrust of workplace activity it involved the training of safety representatives enabling them to carry out their role effectively .
28 ‘ Imagine gettin' knocked down by a tram in the middle of Lime Street wearin' them things .
29 They were behind throughout the second half against Bromley , but the lethal shooting of Kulbir Takher saved them .
30 Subjects were asked to try five types of toilet seat ranking them in order of preference .
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