Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [verb] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And the TCCB 's directive for pitches has for several years now been that they must start dry . ’
2 In these circumstances it will be important for organizations to plan for such a future , so as to ensure that :
3 IPC is looking for sponsorship deals for several of the magazine 's regular puzzles .
4 There are a number of reasons to account for this conclusion .
5 Not surprisingly , the pattern of reasons given for such a selection tends to be highly personal and particular , with emphasis being placed mainly on the objectification of personal relations , for example , with deceased friends and relatives .
6 Although the growth of Brighton accounted for some of this expansion , most of the burden fell on an economic base too narrow to cope adequately , there being few alternatives to agriculture .
7 In fact , the level of independence of inputs required for this sort of system to produce double dissociations is only likely to be achieved if it is composed of complementary modules .
8 The reason that a protected tenancy , for example , does not fall within section 3 is because there is a separate regime of protection provided for such tenants .
9 He had his own share of responsibility to bear for this .
10 This was why , for the greater part of her education , she had been sent off to a small private boarding-school , where Harriet liked to feel that the company of contemporaries compensated for all that was lacking in her home environment .
11 The idea of this method is very simple : to work out the number of dies used for any given coinage and multiply this total by the average number of coins each die could produce .
12 I I have to say the top earners of course ask for those further away .
13 The preamplifier 's normal volume control is of course used for all routine listening-level adjustments .
14 He can of course sue for any excess , section 53(4) .
15 Rates of out of hours calls for these age groups , as for general practitioner consultation rates in general , are higher , and relatively more calls from elderly patients result in home visits .
16 While all applications are welcome , nevertheless , it is unlikely that candidates ( male or female ) under the age of 30 will have the depth or width of experience required for these positions .
17 This is followed by a consideration of bone breakage using a number of indices developed for this purpose .
18 Nor has there been sufficiently critical evaluation of programmes to screen for some diseases , he believes .
19 It must have cost a lot of money to go for that amount of time ?
20 Despite the positive results achieved by the mixed professional/ paraprofessional social service teams to which we have referred and the efforts being made in some countries to promote that model of service provision , little is being done in schools of social work to provide professional social workers with the type of skills needed for that kind of practice .
21 The recent announcement of a link up between the EC and EFTA to create a European Economic Area [ EEA ] by 1993 is likely to have little immediate impact on the proportion of exports destined for these areas , partly because privileged access to each others markets has already been in existence for a number of years between the two trading blocks .
22 The reason for the relatively high proportion of exports destined for this area is that much of the export activity is oil related .
23 As before the Polish crisis , there was little protest except from the far left who kept the local Councils of Action going for some months as centres of mobilization and revolutionary propaganda .
24 All but a handful of LEAs bid for these grants ( HM Treasury , 1990 , Table 11.1 ; CIPFA , 1989 , p. 18 ) .
25 This includes provision of residential accommodation , domiciliary support and the registration of homes provided for those in need .
26 For both parts of the experiment , for each trial ( represented by columns 1 to 12 in each word list ) , the experimenter simply ticked each word correctly recalled and totalled the number of words recalled for each of the 20 serial positions .
27 The amount of funds needed for each quarter will depend on the gravity of the problems encountered there and the population density etc .
28 Although , therefore , Dicey 's sharp distinction between the application and interpretation of statute suffices for most practical purposes , it ultimately breaks down in the face of changing views of the contours of the political community or of serious threats to the central tenets of liberal democracy .
29 ‘ I think a lot of supporters look for that because they all want to be leaders themselves — they want to be the boss , they do n't want to be the tea-boy . ’
30 The University of Warwick has for some time provided the possibility of studying both English and foreign texts in a comparative way at undergraduate level .
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