Example sentences of "[prep] [be] the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What we are looking for are the exceptional unsung heroes and heroines in other walks of life . ’
2 By September , the school would be in the awkward position of being the only selective school in Essex not to be GM and it would be one of very few secondary schools generally in north-east Essex not to have opted out , she said .
3 Bell also had the dubious achievement of being the only non-Royal at the meeting which announced the split of Prince Andrew and the Duchess of York .
4 Lake Mývatn has the privilege of being the only European breeding station for Barrow 's goldeneye , a duck of American origin , and in the River Laxa which flows from Mývatn to the sea , you are assured of seeing the beautiful Harlequin duck , another New World species which also has its only European outpost here .
5 Maxton was faced with the prospect of being the only remaining ILP Member if he did not withdraw his continued opposition to re-affiliation .
6 Snow leopards have the distinction of being the only true big cat of the mountains .
7 Venezuela too has serious debt problems which were largely caused by OPEC production cuts and falling prices but has the distinction of being the only Latin American country to reschedule its foreign debt without an IMF loan .
8 Just 19 months later it achieved the dubious distinction of being the only Royal Commission to be wound up without producing a report when it collapsed over internal differences as to the scope of its report and how it should proceed .
9 Nicky had ( and for all I know still has ) the reputation of being the best criminal defence lawyer at the Scottish bar and had on several occasions persuaded juries to acquit those whom he had every reason to believe were guilty .
10 Presentations on Guinness Brewing 's strategic aim of being the best British brewer are being organised on all sites during the first two weeks of July .
11 Probably this was damned difficult for the people at Ferrari to understand and Niki was always capable of being the supreme turn-off .
12 But the term " Tithonian " , though not quite so lacking in respectability as the " Urgonian " , is usually reserved for the carbonate facies of alpine Europe , and is still disputing with the " Volgian " the honour of being the accepted international term for the topmost stage of the Jurassic .
13 Hart has formally been nominated by the Auckland union , but he has informed Auckland and several other unions who support him that he wants more time to decide whether he really wants the toil and trouble of being the All Black coach .
14 He said that until ‘ scandalous ’ loopholes in the extradition laws were blocked , condemnations of terrorism and expressions of condolence for victims of the violence fell short of being the optimum Irish response .
15 A wonderful old charabanc — a 1935 Guy Wolf — was chosen to lead the way and have the honour of being the first official vehicle to use the road .
16 Born in Oxford , Sadler lived from 1751 to 1828 and has the distinction of being the first English-born ‘ aeronaut ’ .
17 For a period of his twenty year tenure , he served with 55 Squadron at Baghdad in the mid-1920s and , as related by his son Thomas , earned the distinction of being the first non-commissioned airman in the RAF to receive a commission during peace-time .
18 When the Company 's lease expired in 1892 , Lancaster 's services as manager were retained , thus giving him the distinction of being the first electric street tramway Manager , and upon his death the longest-serving .
19 All three of the above were in the House of Lords when they formed their ministries , so the distinction of being the first elected politician with a K to become Prime Minister is still available .
20 Mark Frame had the honour of being the first British member of the Bureau .
21 It is now in a ruinous condition but has the distinction of being the oldest existing railway bridge over a river in the world .
22 I do get a bit tired of being the permanent Big Bad Wolf .
23 The only vehicles Irena took any notice of were the thin double trams , locked inscrutably into their own system , clanging their way up and down the narrow streets making unmistakable tram noises .
24 The PFL had voted against the government over pensions , despite being the leading pro-government party in Congress .
25 Voting against were the Christian National Union ( ZChN ) , the Centre Alliance ( PC ) , Solidarity , the Peasant Accord ( or Party — PL ) , the Christian Democrat Party ( PChD ) , Christian Democracy ( ChD ) and the Union of Realpolitik ( UPR ) .
26 Agassi has managed to sign up a licensing deal with Tecmagik and this looks like being the long-awaited definitive tennis game on Sega systems .
27 Selling off an organisation that has n't made a profit for 40 years always looked like being the toughest possible test of the privatisers ' skills , and recent developments are not making things any easier
28 The largest homogeneous group voting in favour was the urban middle class and that against was the rural poor .
29 Conservatives shared the Kirkpatrick view of foreign affairs ; it was the Soviet Union 's will to conquest which had shaped the entire world , plucking into being the entire defensive structure behind which we lived .
30 Perhaps it 's something to do with being the only civil department still with the power to send in a gunboat .
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