Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [vb pp] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 LINFORD CHRISTIE raises his arms in a triumphant salute after being crowned the fastest man on earth .
2 Sportsmen who believe themselves to be blessed with natural advantages , after being told so by others , become depressed by the lack of success of the magnitude they had come to expect after being fed the natural ability line .
3 After being sentenced the sex-slave image remains , but she has now become a wronged mother ( Daily Mail ) or mum ( Sun ) .
4 Niki Lauda displayed courage beyond all recognition in 1976 when , six weeks after being given the Last Rites , he was back behind the wheel of his Ferrari picking up points in the Italian Grand Prix at Monza .
5 Pawar was eventually sworn in as Defence Minister on June 26 after being replaced the previous day as Chief Minister of Maharashtra by Sudhakarrao Naik .
6 GARY DRAKE , the former British junior hardcourt champion , won a £15,000 car after being nominated the best player in the finals of the Vauxhall Indoor Tennis Trophy Tournament .
7 After being shown the red card as the players walked off he gave a TV interview allegedly slating some European referees , and now faces a possible ban from the game .
8 Mason needed an X-ray on his right hand and repairs around both eyes after being taken the full distance by Wills on Wednesday night , but his heart and ambition remain undamaged .
9 Mason needed an X-ray on his right hand and repairs around both eyes after being taken the full distance by Wills on Wednesday night , but his heart and ambition remain undamaged .
10 CEREDIGION and Pembroke North MP Cynog Dafis has been given a Greenhouse award by Green Magazine after being voted the best newcomer to Parliament .
11 In his early days at Highbury he was painfully aware of being labelled the first £10,000 footballer .
12 The Italian was in the process of being shown the red card himself for a crunching tackle on Walsh when the Pompey striker hit back angrily .
13 Now a flurry of articles have suggested that the Sutherland mountain is on the point of being re-designated the 278th Munro .
14 has n't any proper name like this cos these are private houses and estate are council houses but the built at top of was called the Old Plantation and the Old Plantation that 's when the first houses were built then of course when you er find the company first started which er Old Plantation is right opposite erm and when you came along past you then branched off to that 's all fields and you came down as far as and then you branched off to .
15 In America , Roth has to live with being called the new Gary Oldman .
16 No , it was nothing to do with being taught the great learning of the world .
17 If there is a point to saluting the winner of a race , it is ultimately to celebrate his good fortune in being given the natural attributes to do what he does ; and to thank him for the excitement of the spectacle he provides in devoting all his concentrated effort to showing he 's the best .
18 However , that was not Venturous ' last word ; on her final voyage before being decommissioned the following year , while under the command of Jim Cameron with another training crew , their rummage crew found 108 kilos of cannabis deeply concealed in ballast tanks on a Lebanese vessel at Dover .
19 Baird then returned to the mainland after two years to work as sous chef under Brian Baker at Hambleton Hall , Leicestershire , before being offered the head chef 's job at Longueville himself 12 months later .
20 Crews , here , were among the first in the country to be taught the additional medical skills that can save lives .
21 There even men with the basic training of craft workers ( preferably in metals ) had still to be taught the specific skills of the skilled factory worker .
22 To avoid these situations it is important for pilots to be taught the right technique for the take-off run .
23 He was to be joined the next day by his mistress , Felicity .
24 Those are likely to be extended the following year to include time waits between GP referral and an appointment with a consultant .
25 And we can see the rates for which the deduction is going to be applied the other side .
26 In comprehensive schools , all the British were to be treated the same , despite the obvious differences between us of sex , class , culture , ability , religion , race , and so on .
27 To attract the best patrons the movie-houses had to ape the conventions and the standards of theatres and opera-houses but very quickly the whole industry realized that the appeal of the movie palaces was not unrelated to the fact that all customers had to be treated the same and so they became temples of a new classlessness .
28 People are different and they do n't want to be treated the same .
29 For weeks it threatened to be a cesspit of scandal , and not to be outdone the controversial English striker Stan Bowles , whose behaviour over the years made him seem like a surrogate Scot , admitted that he frequently took drugs .
30 Not to be outdone the Wesleyan Methodists rejoiced in 1898 ‘ in the growing sense of kinship that marks our relations with the United States ’ , expressed their ‘ warmest sympathy ’ with America 's efforts to ‘ disburden suffering peoples of the pitiless and truculent misgovernments under which they have groaned ’ and rejoiced that ‘ In fusing together the two great divisions of the Anglo-Saxon race , the Churches have played the chief part although ’ , they added as a reprove to their more ‘ political ’ friends , the Baptists and Congregationalists , ‘ like their Lord , they do not cry nor uplift their voice in the highways of International politics ’ .
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