Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [verb] [adj] from " in BNC.

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1 After being made redundant from his last job , he 's finally found work at a glass company in the town .
2 The 32-year-old pay office clerk , of Griffiths Close , Yarm , who was pregnant , had to be cut free from the wreckage by fireman .
3 John Byrne , 64 , of Cleveland Avenue , Trimdon Village , had to be cut free from his car after the collision at 11.40 am yesterday .
4 The dead man , who has n't been named , had to be cut free from his car .
5 They also called for pension assets to be kept separate from company funds in the wake of the Daily Mirror scandal when Maxwell stole Pounds 400 million from his pensioners .
6 He knows it 's got to be kept separate from the other .
7 Symbolic of the change that the Louis had effected was the increasing use during the twelfth century of the term corona , the crown , to describe the body of royal rights to be kept intact from generation to generation .
8 In the mild south , gardeners can get away with plunging them in their containers buried in peat in the garden , but up here they 'll need to be kept safe from hard frost in a cold frame .
9 As the choristers sang a low chant in the background , the priest moved from one vessel to the next , praying for the fishermen to be kept safe from harm , and asking that the catch over the next year may be bountiful .
10 Just as is the case for walking , the benefits of calming residential areas will not be realised unless provision is made for whole journeys from home to the shops , to work or to school , to be completed free from intimidation by motorised traffic .
11 They also want funding to be made available from new sources responsible for unemployment , to help the CAB cope with unemployment related stresses .
12 The new awards were to be made available from August 1992 .
13 Any deficit in housing revenue would have to be made good from the general rate fund .
14 Iraq appears — perhaps because of security considerations — to have withheld some of the data it would normally have reported , leaving gaps in the IMF 's tabulations which have to be made good from less direct sources like the analyses conducted by the Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) and economic commentators .
15 The letter continues : ’ and details will be announced in late January of changes to be made effective from 15 March 1992 . ’
16 There will be provision for the shares to be sold free from adverse interests and with all future rights but , perhaps , with the right for the seller to receive a final pre-completion dividend .
17 Mr Tony Bridge , Chairman of the Governing Body proposed a toast : ‘ Napier University ’ and this was the signal for hundreds of balloons to be let loose from the parapet of Merchiston Tower .
18 Host : Domestic dog and wild carnivores Site : Lung parenchyma Species : Filaroides milksi F. hirthi Distribution : North America , Europe and Japan The worms are very small , slender , hair-like and greyish , and are not only difficult to see with the naked eye in the lung parenchyma , but are unlikely to be recovered intact from the tissue .
19 What Odysseus hears is without consequence for him ; he is able only to nod his head as a sign to be set free from his bonds ; but it is too late ; his men , who do not listen , know only the song 's danger but nothing of its beauty , and leave him at the mast to save him and themselves .
20 He showed her over the nearby castle , took her for long drives , and on the last day of his — as he called it — ‘ snatched holiday ’ , seemingly relaxed and happy to be playing truant from the demands of his busy life , he drove to Bettystown .
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