Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] it [was/were] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 And Mr Fry was floating out there in the mistiness , and he was busy wallpapering too but he 'd got the paper in a mess — he 'd put the paste on it and picked it up paste side nearest and it was sticking to him .
2 The investment bank therefore had a powerful incentive to make sure its client won its bids , regardless of whether it was paying too much .
3 So either you say there 's no general will or there is something like a general will , but it is not easily recognizable and for either reason you would want to be much more tolerant of the role minorities , either as a way of getting to the truth , or erm as a way of as it were making up the truth as you 're going along .
4 How about if it was smirring
5 Fortuna was smiling on me and my haphazard trip felt as if it was taking some kind of shape , a dynamic and a logic of its own .
6 Somewhere in the corridor , the basement door slammed and Jimmy watched everything as if it was taking place on a stage , and he was a member of the audience .
7 She swayed , and the colour felt as if it was draining from her face .
8 It would n't go in a straight line and kept squeaking , as if it was trying to draw the attention of the customs officers to the person pushing : ‘ Hey , take a look at this chap 's bags . ’
9 The brain was throbbing rhythmically , looking as if it was trying to well up out of the hole in the scalp .
10 The hand was not quite flat : it looked as if it was trying to get up .
11 Folly 's face was too pink with the heat to blush any more , but it felt as if it was trying .
12 Why was her own heart starting to beat so hard again , frantically , as if it was trying to tell her something she could not or would not hear ?
13 I never said that — Jess thought , the ground feeling as if it was weakening under her feet .
14 It almost seemed as if it was moving further away with each stride .
15 The usual heavy roar of four Merlin engines was muted — it sounded as if it was limping .
16 It was as if it was harbouring some great consuming sadness and had lost the urge to live .
17 Sometimes it would stop and shine downwards , as if it was scanning the earth for something .
18 The fire looked as if it was laughing at her troubles .
19 It looked as if it was laughing at them .
20 Bernard 's voice sounded as if it was opening a fete , big-hearted and patronizing .
21 I could hardly breathe by the time I got there ; my chest felt as if it was bursting and my throat was clenched tight and my legs were quivering again .
22 Even if you are running Windows there is nothing stopping you from using your machine as if it was working under MS-DOS .
23 He 'd had a bad shave and his hair looked as if it was growing back after having been cut too short .
24 as if it was racing .
25 Its light flickered on and off for a moment , as if it was making itself comfortable in a mechanical kind of way .
26 Breath sobbing in his throat , hand clutched to the deep slashes in his bleeding chest , Cardiff saw the monstrous shadow of the thing smashing Peters ' rapidly liquefying body against the stairwell wall , as if it was beating a carpet .
27 The animals long ears are pinned back as if it was running , and a means of suspending the key is provided by a hole through the hound 's mouth .
28 She saw its mouth open and close as if it was attempting to address her .
29 She felt it probing her mind , as if it was asking her a question , searching for something in her mind .
30 The village looked as if it was dying .
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