Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] it be only " in BNC.

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1 Corporate crime is crime irrespective of whether it is only punishable by an administrative body , or whether it merely violates individuals ' civil rights .
2 While people may even find themselves avoiding others who would be understanding , precisely because their concern may threaten to breach fragile defences and bring on the ‘ crack-up ’ that feels as if it is only just being fended off , as it is .
3 ‘ You talk as if desire were one-sided , ’ he countered softly , ‘ as if it is only I who wants you .
4 but what I find so interesting is because people talk nowadays as if it 's only recently women have had jobs erm
5 Her cheek pressed flat between his shoulders , Mariana clung to Trent as if it was only her strength that saved them from disintegration .
6 It was as if it was only when the surf was at its most savage that the ghost of Eddie Aikau could be expected to revisit the Bay .
7 ‘ Is n't he the grand feller , chanting away , as if it was only yesterday he called up a spell or two ? ’ )
8 It looked as if it was only beginning .
9 Indeed the gallery can be seen as if it were only ( which of course it is also ) a mere technical device for the objects to be displayed .
10 represent the meeting , will no doubt be present from Breckland and no doubt will put the views erm , but it 's , it 's this , Breckland and Norfolk you wan na get to grips with and it 's only members you wan na see , I will in fact er , you know , I 'll make that point anything that 's necessary at the meeting , Parish Council will be present , but I 'll get onto er
11 from a label that 's been cut off , it can go in a four wash , cos it does n't matter what it 's in with cos it 's only on shirts for us .
12 Right in but it 's only a few minutes away .
13 In the film , one of them , Dr Tony Kallend , appeared to explain that acid rain was nothing to be worried about as it was only as acid as Coca Cola .
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