Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] they [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Gentlemen : It is with great regret that I see so many students labouring day after day in the Academy , as if they imagined that a liberal art , such as ours , was to be acquired like a mechanical trade , by dint of labour , or I may add the absurdity of supposing that it could be acquired by any means whatever .
2 No feet picked up , just a slovenly shuffle in the snow … as if they knew that their scraping passage festered in the mind of the Major .
3 as if they knew that the problem was not resolved a letter arrived yesterday from the headquarters of British Bakeries .
4 It was as if they realised that she was not for the rough and tumble of this world , like the aggressive women with shaggy hair styles who pushed their way through life thrusting their hard shopping baskets at defenceless men .
5 But two cars took her out against and they believe that she 's gone to the airport and they did n't know where where she was excised .
6 The pressure to do work against 'cos they knew that Germany were working on the same lines , did n't they , the enormous pressure to get there first .
7 Merrill Lynch 's statistics are interesting in that they indicate that companies prefer to give expatriates coming to Britain financial assistance towards buying property rather than towards renting it .
8 ‘ Conflict theories ’ differ from functionalism in that they believe that there are fundamental differences of interest between social groups .
9 Israeli statements represented a change from the policy of the previous Likud government in that they acknowledged that the principle of " land-for-peace " — as in UN Security Council Resolution 242 ( 1967 ) — meant that the Israeli presence in the Golan Heights should be included in discussions concerning the other occupied territories .
10 He is concerned about its merits , but , perhaps more important in the context of his constituents ' practice , he is concerned about whether they knew that the limitation on the payments due existed within the scheme that we were operating .
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