Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Jim was elected to Portsmouth city council in nineteen seventy six as a member for where I understand he tried to play football occasionally until nineteen eighty six .
2 He assumed , however , that rather than evolving over the ages to suit their environment , they had been ‘ ready-made ’ by God to the perfect design needed for where He placed them .
3 ‘ It was at that place I told you about that I knew him , ’ he said to Lili .
4 So you actually write down questions so much going on you ca n't be expected to remember everything and if you 've got just you know sort of questions written down the page like what is your name , it 's simple as that it gets you to do , what ?
5 He does n't see us as a part of a crowd , he does n't see us as a number on a computer , he does n't see us as numbers on a bank account , or in some other organizational er er er computer set up or whatever it is , he does n't just see us as that he sees us as individuals .
6 He was n't just pontificating , he was n't just starting out things he thought about , he and and , ideas that had come into his head , he spoke as one who had authority and because of that they heard him .
7 We had a long series of various pieces of research , one of which was actually talk to enormous amount of customers through customer and as a consequence of that we 've we decided to form a fairly business to produce a very different pair of stores , different in that they wo n't trade in the traditional way that M F Is gone ah they 'll carry different merchandise , different price lines .
8 So you 'd say that as a b er as a result of that it did it did er so it did When you say it served its purpose , it did improve the image ?
9 You know when I when I first thought of that I thought you know I 'd let us keep it .
10 And she had one or two hires including higher art and then somebody said oh that would be good for the P R department is looking for staff so she now is doing a superb job running a marketing operation , editing an internal newspaper it all herself and erm all of that I taught her , now I want to move her on to the stage where she can get professional recognition for this , now that is what I call an absolute beginner
11 I felt he maintained a distance and because of that I found him more difficult to approach than Dalglish if there was anything I needed to discuss .
12 I phoned up this week just to say I 'm getting on with it and they sort of like she said she 'd
13 This is one of my film articles which I mean it 's of the things that I 've sent of and I know it will be published because I belong to the Cinema Veterans cinema and television veterans and they have this quarterly magazine and almost certainly you know it will be published in there , there 's no
14 and then that 's a fiver , and then you 've got the worry of and you got you got to go shops because when it 's so hot things go stale you 've got to have
15 so of course he had a last slurp of and he spit it all over everywhere
16 But it could also mean that erm they were getti that it they had been successful in getting taxation from what they 'd done since the beginning of cos they felt they could go even further .
17 said all I 'm worried about is did I wash my hair too early for you so she said it 's alright I 've got a spray that I can sort of cos she likes it quite wet when she
18 Right , so if it gives of If you heat it in er and it gives of carbon dioxide , have a guess at what it is that we 're heating ?
19 But I 'm afraid of marriage because I 'm afraid someone might want me because of who I am instead of because they loved me .
20 Hank came in and did a lot of recordings , which I was glad of because it gave me some relief .
21 Well he just totally sort of because I think he knows
22 When people must pay for services , regardless of whether they use them or not , they are paying a tax , period .
23 A few FIVEs may like to listen to a reading of comic strips , regardless of whether they understand them .
24 This error in judgement about other people leads to other errors : we confer positive and negative traits on people on the basis of whether we like them or not ( the halo effect ) .
25 As she pulled it behind her , reckless of whether she slammed it or not , she could hear her mother 's voice again .
26 Er it it 's really a matter of whether you feel you 'd like to do it .
27 ‘ It 's not a case of whether I like it or not , more a case of whether you can find him or not . ’
28 ‘ It 's not a question of whether I feel I 'm the best man for the job .
29 An owner now obtained ( in theory at least ) the same price for his land irrespective of whether he sold it to a private individual or to a public authority .
30 Put him , put him on the whole of when you see him .
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