Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [verb] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They are defined by the Land Registration Act 1925 , s3(b) as : The interests not capable of being disposed of or created by registered dispositions and capable of being overridden ( whether or not a purchaser has notice thereof ) by the proprietor unless protected as provided by the Act .
2 This is especially so where ‘ recitation ’ or transmission patterns of teaching are strongly approved of and supported by other members of the school community , not least the pupils themselves .
3 Oral sex , although mentioned in literature and depicted in art spanning millennia , has been thought of and described by many people as a perversion of sexual practice .
4 Mrs Handley was yesterday being cared for and counselled by social services .
5 Progressive legislation is fought for and gained by organised resistance , often on a class base , though this may be concealed .
6 The fundamental instant in Islamic life occurs with the new moon , which must be watched for and established by two ‘ witnesses of the instant ’ .
7 It must have taken Summerchild at least an extra minute in each direction ; as I recall it from those evenings fifteen years ago , he walked at a much more reflective pace , as if slowed by some inner weight .
8 as if summoned by that anger , Tom Carey rounded a bend in the path , rod in hand .
9 The ground of the park rippled as if disturbed by colossal , underground moles .
10 The group sat quite still as if bound by some secret .
11 as if struck by invisible lightning , she felt her whole body tense and prickle with reaction .
12 Instinctively — as if faced by some poisonous animal — people moved back a little .
13 Swings also moved gently back and forth in the breeze , as if rocked by some unseen hand .
14 When the man saw this , he began to walk more quickly , then to run , as if triggered by some vulnerability in Nicola that he had n't found before .
15 She nearly ran up again when the milling throngs of people in the hallway below turned as if drilled by some invisible sergeant and stared at her .
16 as if impelled by some nameless undertow , the mass of people gently flowed towards the doorway , some still holding their sherry glasses aloft .
17 Presently , as if seized by sudden revelation , Flavia put down her knife and fork .
18 There was a moment 's silence ; then Fand clasped her hands to her face , as if seized by more dismay than she could bear .
19 They danced as if hurled by some titanic juggler from below the edge of the world .
20 London 's leading pair , as if piqued by this , turned 30 September into the longest afternoon .
21 They stopped their howling , eyes fixed on Corbett , and again , as if controlled by one mind , threw themselves against their iron cage , the leader of the pack standing on his hind legs and pounding his muzzle against the grille .
22 The basic argument is that the more adolescents are supervised by their parents and , perhaps , their teachers , the less likely they are to become involved with or influenced by delinquent contemporaries and delinquent values .
23 It is indeed jazzy , but adorned with and enlarged by outside influences , which is a very healthy and happy state of affairs .
24 This hardly looks the same principle , but the connection lies in the fact that for Kant the sense in which every person is an end is that each is a rational agent who , as such , should be conceived as potentially cooperating with me in settling upon and living by universal principles of behaviour taken as binding on all rational agents .
25 This authority is normally the sovereign body in the state , such as a king or popular assembly , although in practice this authority might be delegated to or assumed by another body or individual .
26 Given the relative invisibility of these crimes , even to those victimized , the fact that they are infrequently reported to or detected by relevant authorities , the absence of any centralized data-collecting agency , and the inconsistent publication of those that are collected , it is impossible to quantify with any accuracy just how serious corporate crime is in economic terms .
27 State whether any rights to subscribe for shares in or debentures of the group were granted to or exercised by each director during the year .
28 Show directors ' rights to subscribe for shares in or debentures of the company granted to or exercised by each person during the year .
29 5 Support etc The rights of light air support protection shelter and all other easements and rights now or after the date of this Lease belonging to or enjoyed by other parts of the Centre The following proviso should be added at the end of this paragraph : provided that such rights and easements shall not [ adversely ] or [ materially ] affect the Premises or the business being carried on therein
30 Maladministration refers to the way in which decisions have been taken covering administrative action or inaction based on or influenced by improper considerations or conduct .
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