Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [art] next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The story continues with an account of how the next day when he started to get upset Little Turtle remembered what the tortoise had told him so he closed his eyes , pulled in his arms close to his body , put his head down so his chin rested against his chest , and rested for a while , until he knew what to do .
2 Now there 's a new twist : how come we can know when a missile is even threatening to fall on Tel Aviv or Riyadh or Dharan , yet remain ignorant of when the next train will leave Waterloo station — or where it is heading ?
3 The new bus garage at Thornton Heath was sufficiently advanced in construction for the bus service to start from there the next morning , using London Transport 's then standard RT type buses .
4 This was repeated throughout the night until 7am the next day .
5 Politicians are also largely silent on how the next government will be able to carry out spending plans in view of the state of the productive economy .
6 She used to attend the general discussion part and make her views known as to where the next shop would be .
7 Joan , who is 70 and lives in Formby , filled in her last number at 10.05pm but had to wait till 9am the next day to check if she had won .
8 And the victims ' relatives found policemen more worried about where the next beer was coming from , than catching killers .
9 At 7.00am the next morning I drove across London in shock and second gear .
10 At 5am the next day , doctors had awoken Mr Taylor and his wife Joanne to tell them their son had had a heart attack and suffered severe brain damage .
11 ‘ Young Geoffrey , ’ Cranston continued , ‘ whom Sir Ralph apparently doted upon , comes across early the next morning .
12 Duly recovered from their exploits the two aeronauts made a more leisurely departure for Birmingham , in a chaise and four , at 3.00am the next morning .
13 car park at 4.45pm and 7.45pm on 25 February and at 4.45pm the next day .
14 You can see the cloud that brought today 's snow has been feeding up into the country from northern France and it will continue to do so for at least the next day or so .
15 But he adds : ‘ We would expect the French economy to remain relatively weak for at least the next year because its main trading partner , Germany , is itself entering what is likely to be quite a painful economic slowdown , brought about by the very high interest rates . ’
16 On the other hand a diary entry such as ‘ ring X ’ is effective and if the entry is some way in the future it may be necessary to amplify with a trigger of the form ‘ ring X re Y ’ and to have easily accessible some factual data such as the X telephone number and some data re Y. In a different context a car driver will develop a strategy to ensure that he does not run out of petrol , he may rely on a light which appears when the tank is nearly empty or he may calculate from his expected travelling that he need not concern himself about the issue until at least the next weekend , or he may programme himself to react to the fact that he is approaching a particular garage .
17 Norman Lamont will stay until at least the next Budget in March to have the chance to take credit for next year 's expected economic recovery .
18 What soon became known as ‘ The Glorious Revolution ’ was to shape England 's defence policy , and affect her place in the world , for at least the next century .
19 In corporate finance you may get a call at 4pm and have to prepare papers for a crucial business meeting at 9am the next morning .
20 We left Trier at 9.00am the next day .
21 She said he had left the house in the forenoon of 24 October and been covered in blood when he returned at 3am the next day .
22 The Peugeot Parts Promise guarantees that the parts the dealer orders to complete a job will be delivered from the company 's central warehouse to any dealer in mainland Britain by 8am the next morning .
23 And even if your Centre does n't have the part you need , if they order it from our National Parts Centre before 3.30pm , provided it 's in stock , it will be delivered to any Centre in the mainland by 10.30am the next day .
24 By early the next morning the troops had managed to seal off the city centre area .
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