Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] we [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 All I 'm trying to tell you is how my account of how we tell the truth explains this fact , which apparently simpler accounts of how we tell the truth do n't do .
2 All I 'm trying to tell you is how my account of how we tell the truth explains this fact , which apparently simpler accounts of how we tell the truth do n't do .
3 Broadly then , we will examine two aspects of performance measurement in the public sector : first , the question of how we measure the output of governments and second , the broader question of how public sector organizations as a whole might publish more information about wider accountability issues .
4 Whether we see the Hong Kong boat people as economic migrants or refugees , and irrespective of how we see the hapless millions in Africa who move across boundaries , we must understand that these people need protection and help , even in the short term .
5 Erm but what we will have to do is set up our local procedures as regards agents queries and things like that in both countries , both with and also whatever you decide in Denmark of how we run the procedure but that can be something later but what we 'll need to do is no doubt before we actually do the distribution to the agents and the erm the information out to them th why we 're going into on our own as opposed to being served by the other carriers .
6 It is the response of the supermarket business as a whole to the demand for a healthier and more natural product , freshly produced to a high standard , which has led to the advent of the in-store bakery , and in turn created the need , at any rate within Sainsbury 's , for structured , high quality management training , geared much more towards how we plan the business to grow over the next five to ten years than it is to simply manning the pumps .
7 And then instead of turning left down towards where we park the car ,
8 What my hon. Friend says is no doubt the kernel of why we need the Bill .
9 They shouted for us to stop , but we ai n't take that on any more than if they were Chinese in the film , we were recreating our life like how we recreate the film .
10 From here we take the road marked Curral das Freiras for a short but very scenic and awe-inspiring drive .
11 We landed at Andahaylas 10,000 feet above sea level and from there we took the mountain track in a Land Rover to Fr.
12 I got him into the factory and from there we got the ambulance and … and I took him to the Royal Victoria Infirmary . ’
13 We hope some day that we shall have won all the battles , and then can relax and develop more of the social side of the retired member 's association , but until then we enjoy the friendship and satisfaction of working together to secure a better deal for the elderly everywhere , and remember that , hopefully , you will all be pensioners one day .
14 ‘ My own ambition is to get to the top camp from where we launch the summit bid .
15 For here we find the head of the common law courts , echoing the spirit of Coke , Hale , and Mansfield and working largely within Dicey 's framework , expressing anxiety about the challenge to the supremacy of the ‘ ordinary law ’ posed by statutory developments .
16 For here we have the most profound music and tragic myth to supersede the " entertainment " represented by opera .
17 Er we got the hours down to eventually we got the hours down to forty four .
18 The standard molar enthalpy of formation could have two different values depending on how we write the equation .
19 How we judge will depend on how we see the sequence as a whole , and whether we think of it as a sequence , in fact , or as a collection of poems .
20 This sequence of events can give rise to several explanations depending on how we view the phenomenon .
21 Decide on how we do the thing .
22 This in turn rests on how we define the distinctiveness of each class and how we think this is blurred or enhanced as a result of broad socioeconomic processes .
23 The contractors representatives will be driven around the whole route , but with no clues as to how we think the job should be done .
24 Turning to our third question , whether the undoubted connection with psychosis offers an all-embracing theory of creativity might ultimately reduce to how we define the latter .
25 This phenomenon is very suggestive of a feature of conscious experience : our lack of conscious access to how we perform the details of activities , both ‘ mental ’ and ‘ physical ’ , if that distinction makes a rough sort of sense here .
26 Now if you cast your mind back to when we started the er discussion I did say I would talk about refer erm recommendations to you if you felt that this meeting had been of some benefit to yourself
27 So anyway I thought I wo n't have a drink cos if this secretary was n't there I did n't know how long she 'd be so er but I di I went upstairs to where we had the meeting with Mike the other week .
28 Throughout the Plowden Report runs the assumption that what is taught in schools ( ie what we , the adults expect children to learn ) must relate to where the child is ( intellectually , social , emotionally ) rather than to where we think the child ought to be .
29 The scaffold there was the first thing I clapped my eyes on when we entered the stinking streets of Paris .
30 Martin telephoned on the morning of Father 's Day to say thanks for the card , and before he knew it Joe was telling him all about how we made the tree-house together .
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