Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [verb] down [art] " in BNC.

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1 She puts her glass under Teddy 's nose for a refill , drinks her wine , and after audibly gulping down a big mouthful , she raises her glass .
2 I wish to notify other divers that while diving in Cornwall earlier this year , my buddy and I were charged £2 each for just walking down the slip for a shore dive .
3 So it 's an impact outside of just closing down the car factory , and on the question of the effects on the community .
4 There are numerous cloughs worth exploring in the Dark Peak , but some of the most impressive can be linked by a demanding outing starting from Greenfield on the west of Black Hill , taking in major cloughs on Bleaklow and Kinder before finally scrambling down the head of the Grindsbrook above Edale .
5 He could at least have waited until tomorrow to lay down the law so firmly .
6 I feel sure that the German Luftwaffe must have looked at it especially the leaders , and saw where the Eighth Airforce hit and seeing what we did and gave them some thought and consideration , actually with our Bomb Group going in we had no fighter attacks on the way in over the target , we had flack but we did not have air opposition , then on the way back we crossed the Danish peninsula and I think of course by this time the Luftwaffe knew we were coming back that way , and they had the fighters up there and this was our first time being on this mission that we saw air to air combat with the fighters against the flying fortress and in our ammunition , in our guns there , every fifth bullet was a tracer and it was amazing to me that as the German fighters came in it looked like just a hail of tracers going out but they were able to get in there knock down a B Seventeen and leave , it seemed , unscathed untouched it almost seemed impossible to me that a fighter could go through that many bullets and escape unharmed .
7 What else if I , I have to go and relieve er if I want er to only work down the cabin and it come to meal times cos we carried on dredging from six in the morning we do al all the winters round cos they eat on the dredger they used to eat three winches four winches on the dredger cos they 'd heave the dredger across the river and back again , wo when they come to meal times I used to have to go on and relieve the man what was driving that winch and I used t cos the er er chins coming round the barrel of the winch they used to override and I used to have a handle to knock them clear .
8 And I 'm out a lot , I tend to just slurp down a cup of Slimma-soup , stick a wee dollop of quiche in the microwave or something while I 'm waiting for my Carmens to heat up .
9 The hon. Member for Pontefract and Castleford ( Mr. Lofthouse ) asks leave to move the Adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 20 for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that he believes should have urgent consideration , namely , ’ the effect on unemployment of the announcement by British Coal to further run down the coal industry in his own and in neighbouring constituencies . ’
10 Furthermore , it may be in Big 's interest to deliberately slow down the progress of an acquisition possibly to await the occurrence of certain events or to put pressure on the vendor .
11 5.1 to also lays down the permitted hours for off-sale premises .
12 It will not do to simply write down the answers .
13 ( For details on how to drain down the central heating system , see Chapter 13 . )
14 Langbaurgh 's Leisure Services Officer , Max Coleby , said : ‘ As far as road races are concerned we are having to financially batten down the hatches this year and all events will be self-financing .
15 Now , if any of you get terribly tense at the back of shoulders which we all seem to do nowadays , if you come for just a back and shoulder massage , we actually work on the back of the neck and along the shoulders using massage movements which helps to relax you , which helps to actually break down the lactic acid that builds up in the muscles that causes you pain .
16 This one is called a walk- easy very effective , particularly good for people with arthritic hands because erm it does n't take an awful lot to actually press down the top .
17 One girl stopped the others to ask advice about how to write down the ghostly sound of a door opening .
18 Better sacks have bound seams which do at least slow down the leaking process .
19 What the MLC is doing is trying to keep the meat-eating habit going ; to expand — or at least to slow down the contraction of — the overall market .
20 Software for Free evaluates the very best in low cost software making the task of choosing a lot less frustrating and time consuming , and by effectively cutting down the number of programs you need to look at it might even save you some money .
21 The abrupt cut can be softened by a lap dissolve , originally done by gradually closing down the iris on the lens ( a fade-out ) , winding back the film and then opening up the iris for the same length of time and film ( a fade-in ) .
22 This procedure starts realigning the mechanism by systematically working down the mechanism , reducing the angular error on each occasion .
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