Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] so [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 we 'll I know what we mean yep how do you prepare what what you physically have in front of you so that you 're able to put the point over effectively
2 But then when you do peel them away , whether you can have a potentiality , like the when talked about he talked about either side of his face timeless void that you had to see the limit of it so that you could have erm that that I was in this body and there 's something about this body that I 'm going to go back into the body and then that could differentiate perhaps .
3 One thing we must stipulate ; it is n't a get rich quick course , it 's giving you the background of it so that you can go away with as much information as possible .
4 Having worked out what you are going to do and being satisfied that you can do the work as well , if not better , than everyone else , how do the public get to find out about you so that you can start putting your specialism into practice ?
5 she 's just giving , she 's just give me an adult education centre there at Spinny Hill , Northampton and she said they put everything in perspective for you so that you know where you 've got to start , what is available to you and then she said if you go down the job centre and ask them if E T , education , employment training
6 door really , says I 'll squeeze the floor for you so that you
7 Now obviously if Isobel did that , she could write some notes in a form that was actually readable for you so that you could actually I mean I know the discussion would be more difficult but you would have quite a lot of information from her to go on .
8 ‘ So you go to the bathroom and turn the doorknob — push the door open — go inside — close the door gently behind you so that you do n't wake up anybody else in the house ; now you go to the basin — put the plug in — turn on the tap — it 's a very stiff tap … ’ ( p. 196 ) .
9 Good lecterns today also have space for microphone wiring built into them so that you do n't have wire trailing around the place and looking unsightly , or a big boom mike stand in front .
10 If you are living away from home you should bring your NHS card with you so that you may register with a doctor .
11 Choose the protection which you feel best suits you , then train with it so that you become use to any constrictions it causes .
12 So that you feel happy with it so that you , Oh yeah now I understand what he 's talking about .
13 I mean not just trying but if you if you get chosen to play the violin it means practising and practising and staying with it so that you become a good violin player .
14 usually have a wee thing with it so that you
15 It is important to be honest with yourself so that you can learn to match yourself reasonably accurately with jobs for which you are genuinely suited .
16 By keeping the table between the two of you , you could lure him round it so that you end up nearer the exit ; the same idea can be used in the street with parked cars .
17 It 's as well to laugh and I 'm , I 'm especially able to encourage you because I being a Christian know you know that sin wo n't have dominion over you so that you need n't be solemn about it
18 ‘ I know you did n't want me to come here tonight , but there is an enchanted magician in that box and I promised him that I would get him to you so that you could change him back .
19 " I 'm just saying this to you so that you can be prepared . "
20 ‘ And you asked her to give it to you so that you could return it to Rick .
21 If one stops for a piss the rest might catch up and if they do they will either fall straight over him so that you finish with a ball of dogs that will take forever to unwind , or they will take lumps out of him .
22 to it so that you prefer to use it to the other one .
23 but er at the end of the day there has to be a purpose for it so unless you , you , you put it into action , then you , if you just read , then you 're in danger of having a bigger judgment than somebody that was ignorant
24 If you do find yourself in this position , with a few seconds left to the gun , consider reaching across them so that you can get clear air .
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