Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] were [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Her judgements about them were later reinforced .
2 Credit for less than nine months ( for example , mail order and much shop credit ) and loans used to buy such goods but not specifically earmarked for them were not covered .
3 These developments and the support provided for them were constantly underpinned by the continued demonstration of commitment to partnership by the school 's Governors and senior management team .
4 Her acts of cruelty towards me were never mentioned .
5 The Foundation 's director , Valmik Thapar , also criticized the project 's failure to take into account the needs of local people living on the fringes of the reserves , some of whom were forcibly relocated outside the boundaries when the parks were created .
6 Mitchells Plain , home of 500,000 coloured people ( of mixed race ) , many of whom were forcibly removed from Cape Town in the early '70s , was chosen for the launch of the NP drive to recruit members right across the racial spectrum because it has seen a clear swing of support in the past year from the ANC towards the Nationalists .
7 In their statement they accused the security forces of raiding their seminars and arresting some students , a number of whom were later expelled by the university administration for alleged political activity .
8 Riot police arrested 1,058 in Seoul , most of whom were later released .
9 As a result of the information gained in this sweep a further four people were arrested in Guipuzcoa on Nov. 18-19 , three in Madrid on Nov. 19 , nine in Vizcaya and 13 in Navarre , seven of whom were later released .
10 The pilgrims , 680 of whom were later identified as Indonesian and some 600 as Turkish , died of suffocation or were trampled to death in a frantic attempt to escape , as an estimated 50,000 worshippers converged simultaneously on the 500-metre long al-Mu'aysam tunnel connecting Mecca to the pilgrim tent city of Mina , below Mount Arafat .
11 Gould , in marked contrast , had managed to enlist 298 subscribers for his Himalayan Birds , all of whom were successfully pursued by the efficient and persistent Mr Prince .
12 The massacre was reportedly followed by the arrest of 300-400 people , some of whom were allegedly tortured , and 60-80 of whom were executed on Nov. 15 , according to Indonesian and Timorese human rights groups .
13 One of the key themes of the campaign was the degree to which the country 's recently re-established democratic process would be safe in the hands of any of the traditional party leaders , all of whom were widely perceived as personifying a political culture traditionally steeped in patronage and money .
14 An estimated 500 people , 27 of whom were reportedly arrested , looted supermarkets on Feb. 21 in Rosario , the country 's third largest city [ for May 1989 lootings in Rosario see p. 36652 ] .
15 In the course of a demonstration in Kinshasa , the capital , on May 14 , two training college students were reported shot dead and a further 15 wounded in a confrontation with security forces , five of whom were also said to have been wounded .
16 We consulted the acknowledged experts in the field , many of whom were not known to the general public ; and for the most part we did little more than synthesise their conclusions in a readily digestible fashion .
17 While the report recognized that some reform-minded governments had sought to correct recent abuses of human rights , others such as India emerged as violators with up to 25,000 political prisoners , many of whom were routinely tortured , some dying , in police custody .
18 But other students at Tracey 's college all of whom were personally informed of the tragedy by letter felt it was unusual .
19 In recent weeks they had mounted attacks on a French aid convoy and against European tourists , four of whom were seriously injured on Jan. 25 near the uranium centre , Arlit , some 1,200 km north-east of Niamey , the capital .
20 The three men , two of whom were subsequently found to have been carrying replica guns , were not thought to be IRA members but had known records of delinquency .
21 The cavalry were toppled back on their own infantry , most of whom were never engaged .
22 the guardians in Poplar and other Unions with high rates of unemployment were constrained from paying out-door relief not only by the regulations but by the fact that such payments would have to be financed by the ratepayers of the Union , most of whom were low paid .
23 " When he was asked " Do you deny that any of them were forcibly evicted ? " he answered " I deny that any were forcibly evicted .
24 All those positions were going for want of an application , so I applied and because brought in people who he knew , certain of them were automatically filled but they want the Chief Administration Officer , so I applied and really I do n't kid myself that I got it because of my qualification because I had n't got any letters after my name .
25 Captain Lawton and his men seem to have had a fairly trouble-free time of it , because all 15 of them were duly discharged back in London after the seven-month voyage .
26 A number of them were largely built in the late Romanesque style and of these some survive in whole or in part .
27 A century ago there were few professional scientists — and most of them were medically qualified .
28 Even during the evacuation — more than 180,000 people were moved — most of them were not told what had happened .
29 Half of them were badly worn , everybody was open to erm , serious leg injuries
30 Both of them were already known for silences .
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