Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] that [verb] like " in BNC.

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1 Zap ! — and the one Henry most favoured , which seemed from looking at the label to be a sexier version of raw bleach — Finish 'Em It came in a huge blue bottle on the side of which was a picture of something that looked like a bluebottle with twelve legs keeling over , while a housewife in rubber gloves looked grimly on .
2 She came back later with a shopping bag full of something that looked like boxes .
3 Marc gave a getsure of impatience but did n't say anything , and Peter , a glass of something that looked like a triple Scotch in one hand and Sarella 's usual orange juice in the other , moved smoothly forward .
4 Beware of anything that looks like a do-it-yourself job — crooked power points , for example .
5 He was walking very rapidly , far faster than Shiva was going in the opposite direction , from a building with long windows and white-uniformed men and girls behind them that looked like a lab , towards the main block .
6 I brought my bombs back on many occasions , because I am quite certain we never got anywhere near anything that looked like a target .
7 He looked at Alina , wanting to ask her what she 'd done ; but she was standing just out of his reach , and watching him with something that looked like compassion .
8 Through the window , Carl saw a man in a white coat run out from under the plane with something that looked like a grenade in his hand .
9 If you use too much colour you can end up with something that looks like a fruit salad .
10 If you use too much colour you can end up with something that looks like a fruit salad .
11 The real treat of the evening , however , is their version of Bowie 's ‘ She Shook Me Cold ’ where poppy nostalgia is transformed into something that sounds like the soundtrack for a Kenneth Anger movie .
12 Or is it gon na be turning into something that looks like analysis of oh right so it 's like listen to yep fair enough listen to er a joke and er well I 'll tell you what , can you speak up a bit so we can actually get the conversation on here because the I 'm sure the British National Corpus would be interested .
13 They each had a paper bag with something in it that looked like onions .
14 A bowl , she decided , exploring with fingers that were almost too frozen to feel anything , with something inside it that felt like a tiny lump of candlewax — and a wick .
15 Mrs Garfitt , fat , voluble and slovenly , paused for breath and gave a perfunctory stir to something that looked like workhouse broth on one of the meatless days .
16 It was somehow easier to say these things to something that looked like a top-secret weapon in transit .
17 It was ludicrously swollen , unnecessarily big and wholly obstructive to anything that looked like a new idea .
18 ‘ No , but I 've yet to come across anything that looks like a motive for murder .
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