Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] it can be " in BNC.

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1 Thus the hypothesis provides a meaning to primitive ‘ goodness ’ and also suggests the period during which it can be said to have originated .
2 This period is thus , in effect , the lifetime of the product , during which it can be expected to function normally without the need for repair ( other than , of course , in appropriate cases , replacement of consumables — such as ribbons on a printer , and routine or preventive maintenance — such as the need to service a car in accordance with the maker 's guidelines ) .
3 This stance is partly a reaction against what Krauss saw as a dominant position in American criticism , by which ‘ the art of the last hundred and thirty years , the art of modernism , is not being well served by writing that promotes the myths through which it can be consistently misread ’ .
4 The goals are the aims or outcomes that a programme purports to pursue , and for which it can be held accountable ( where measurable ) .
5 The certificate of motor insurance forms part of the policy and shows who can drive your motor cycle and the purposes for which it can be used
6 Into this imaginary world of people unable to learn from their market experience let us now introduce a group of outsiders who are themselves neither would-by sellers nor would-be buyers , but who are able to perceive opportunities for entrepreneurial profits ; that is , they are able to see where a good can be sold at a price higher than that for which it can be bought .
7 My Lords , the , the point made by the Noble Lord is that it is an important one erm it is important that teachers do feel comfortable with this subject and to that end the erm grant for education support and training is making money available and religious education has been added to the number of subjects for which it can be made available to help with er improving specialisms in schools , but also pr improving co-ordination for religious education in schools .
8 How , then , does concentrating on the original sensation enable the solipsist to create a rule in virtue of which it can be objectively true that the new sensation is a pain ?
9 Or , to put it in another way , there must be at least two non-synonymous descriptive phrases of which it can be said both that they are co-extensive in respect of the given non-meaning and characterise this non-meaning in an essential way .
10 We are not denying that in the case of an alien culture one has less right to criticize than in one 's own , out of lack of experience of what it can be like to live in it .
11 The majority of the articles in this section move on from accounts of what it can be like ‘ being there ’ , to ‘ looking out ’ at some of the external issues which impinge on the teaching of mathematics in schools .
12 If an elderly parent is giving up her home to move into yours it can be a very traumatic experience for her , even though you are ‘ family ’ and she wants to be with you .
13 There is no biographical key with which it can be unlocked — and I have not been trying to turn one in this essay of mine , which does not believe it , for that matter , to be locked .
14 Part of the appeal is doubtless the ease with which it can be applied with great effect .
15 This may have a bearing on the ease with which it can be trained .
16 But , ultimately , I know there is an inherent danger in the ready-made , and that is the ease with which it can be produced .
17 The grammar of English is carried over into the signing and presumably evaluation of the adequacy of BSL is based on the ease with which it can be fitted to this English format .
18 Among its chief attributes are its pleasingly creamy colour , its smoothness and coolness to the touch , its fine grain and the comparative ease with which it can be wrought to a variety of precise shapes using such elementary techniques as sawing , rubbing , polishing and perforating .
19 The high esteem in which gold has been held in most parts of the world , the relative ease with which it can be wrought and not least its capacity for combining with other desirable things have led to its being favoured above all others for jewellery , objects of parade and a variety of insignia of status .
20 For the bulk of this century a favoured organism for geneticists to study , because of the ease with which it can be maintained , its rapid breeding cycle and the possibility of studying populations of many thousands , has been the tiny fruit fly ( sometimes called vinegar fly ) , Drosophila melanogaster , which gathers like specks of coaldust , seemingly magnetically attracted to over-ripe fruit .
21 There can be no doubt that the stepping motor has attained its present prominent market position because of the simplicity with which it can be controlled in open-loop .
22 Advances in computer technology have improved the possibilities for the amount of information that can be stored , the speed with which it can be retrieved , the level of sophistication of information analysis and the simulation of future possibilities .
23 The liquidity of an asset is the ease with which it can be converted into cash without loss .
24 For , though the particular thing or phenomenon in whose cause we are interested is presented in experience as a unified whole , it may in fact have ‘ parts ’ into which it can be rationally analysed .
25 By a whole series of moves , which were discussed in detail in Part II , the Government has made this form of welfare far less attractive — both in the level of payment , and the terms under which it can be obtained .
26 The effect , however , turned out to be a somewhat elusive one in subsequent research , until the conditions under which it can be obtained were elucidated by Johnston and McClelland ( 1973 ) .
27 The offer must be in writing , must state a Period of not less than 21 days within which it can be accepted and withdrawal of the offer before the end of the stated period is forbidden .
28 I reproduce one model procedure which sets out a management framework within which it can be achieved .
29 Ask about ways in which it can be made better .
30 Is there any way in which it can be resumed , more privately and at more leisure ?
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