Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] it was that " in BNC.

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1 Then suddenly , while aware she had told him that she did not love Travis , she realised that here was her chance of clouding the issue of who it was that she did love .
2 But in her mother 's kiss she had learned something of the importance of whatever it was that Rachel had to do .
3 She was sitting on the bed with her album — that sparsely-peopled record of whatever it was that she 'd left behind and she was n't leafing through it but hugging it close , as if it was a physical source of comfort to her when times were at their lowest .
4 Perhaps it meant that Cindy Hill had revealed at least some of whatever it was that bothered her , which was a good thing , really .
5 She did not believe that she could bring Scathach back to life , but he could at least be with her in the fortress as she made her journey into the first forest , as she went in search of whatever it was that had ensnared Harry , made him a prisoner in Old Forbidden Place .
6 The snow continued to fall as the Quattro clawed its way eastward towards whatever it was that they were seeking , whatever terrible things were waiting at journey 's end .
7 T. Behrens is considerably baffled by this strange case , by the question of what it was that determined Ursula 's adherence to this programme , and of what it was that caused her to bring to an end her loving friendship with Justin .
8 All Rincewind had to do was shake off his guards , fight his way out of the Tree , find the temple and steal the horse out from under whatever it was that Bel-Shamharoth used for a nose .
9 It was rather like that strange spirit that hovered over the Wilson family when they were contemplating an evening out and told them where they ought to eat , and it had something in common with whatever it was that told the entire Liverpool football stadium to sing ‘ You 'll Never Walk Alone ’ at the same moment .
10 When the bundle of clothes hit the ground it was the dog who realised first that there was something inside , also broken and crumpled , and after the dog came the children , who revolved round the heap , fascinated , until one noticed the blood and began to scream , and adults arrived to remove them from whatever it was that lay on the concrete .
11 So the conjunction of these two words effectively prevents the raising of the question as to what it was that they were saying .
12 It 's very difficult to put a finger on what it was that attracted me about him .
13 ‘ Her doctor feels that if he could get her to face up to whatever it was that had such a damaging effect on her as a young child , then she would … well , take a grip on life again , see Harry in a different light , enjoy him , in fact , instead of escaping into illness as a way out of all her responsibilities . ’
14 Panic , that was the first reaction to whatever it was that had just happened .
15 He shook her awake and explained that he planned to make his way back into the forest , skirting the area of rocks , to get a closer look at whatever it was that had caught his attention .
16 It was difficult , in any of this , to discover what a future socialist or communist society would be like ; if there was consensus about anything it was that it would not be based upon public ownership , would not be dominated by a single ruling party , would not supersede capitalism and might not even offer an alternative to it .
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