Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] you have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It 's not much after what you 've just been through , but I 'd hate to end up in a French jail and , as I forgot my licence , I 'm not insured to move this car . ’
2 Contact , OR and curl up in front of your video for an evening of entertainment , the like of which you 've never seen before .
3 liability beyond the minimum requirements of the Road Traffic Acts , for any motor cycle which belongs to , or is being bought by , you under a hire purchase agreement and of which you have not told us
4 Bank Chambers High Street , Newbury , Berks 19 May 1987 Dear Sir , Re : Invoice 87/625 Despite reminders , this account in respect of road transport services for £2950 ( full particulars of which you have already received ) remains unpaid .
5 This will be the subject of a presentation , of which you have already been notified , in the Lothian Regional Chambers , Parliament Square , Edinburgh on Thursday 8 April 1993 at 11.30am .
6 The sudden impact of being in a situation of which you have long dreamed is a temporary high , soon destroyed by the dread possibility of them all going away again .
7 ‘ It 's terrible to be accused of something you have n't done .
8 There who are they on about three four three four three four to call it 's er a very public figure very public you 're bound to have heard of him you 've probably seen him as well I would have thought I would have thought so as some stage picture always in the paper there as well you know nice big swanky car too .
9 ‘ I 'm quite well aware of what you 've already told me . ’
10 And then you just make a mess of what you 've already got .
11 It 's going to be a lot grimmer for you — on top of what you 've just told me .
12 Because that way it stays on if you do it the other way it 'll drop off it 's as simple as that , okay , cover the pad and as you spiral up the arm all you need to do is to cover about two thirds of what you 've just done before , just like a spiral , you find the bandages , the more you use those roller bandages of yours the worse they get to control because they lose their , you know , nice and stretchiness , so you just do , cover up the pad at the top , tie always on the top of the arm never underneath here .
13 At the end of every chapter there 's a review of what you 've just learned and a few questions to check that it 's really sunk in ( and a mini glossary of any new terms/jargon you may have picked up on the way .
14 In in view in the light of what you 've just said I 'm not sure whether I wan na get er too involved .
15 I suspect the answer to my first question is about numbers of jobs , by virtue of what you 've just said as long as a piece of string .
16 Is the implication of what you 've just said to the Chairman that you agree with Mr Allenby that this animal is a different one than anything that might go to an I five site ?
17 Let me pick up a few points which occur to me arising out of what you 've just been saying .
18 Let me pick up a few points which occur to me arising out of what you 've just been saying .
19 He used to say that nothing could be more ludicrous than going to a football match and then reading somebody else 's account of what you had already seen .
20 More of what you had before ?
21 ‘ It 's basically a fine balance between being a good steward of what you have already acquired , and being something of a visionary .
22 In view of what you have just said , are you likely to be more generous to members of the Whips Office who may wish to speak in a debate ?
23 ‘ What do you want to hear , a repeat of what you have just told me ? ’
24 Coupled with these practices are plea-bargaining ( negotiating a guilty plea in return for being charged with a less serious offence ) and ‘ judicious ’ judicial decisions ( which take as much notice of who you are as they do of what you have apparently done ) .
25 And there 's a considerable amount of work that 's gone in into the erm , production , erm , of what you have before you now .
26 Now , if like me you 've yet to attempt this big production number you could pick up a few tips here , after all , we 've a number of professionals in this hundred , hoteliers , dressmakers , cake makers , photographers , and video makers , registrars , ministers , but above all , we have a lot ex-brides here , and let's start off by finding how many we have .
27 If you 're like me you 've still got a fair way to go !
28 If the client 's cheque is dishonoured , you can cause a serious shortfall in your firm 's office account ( it is this account that will have to bear the consequences of any dishonoured cheque against which you have already drawn ) .
29 And when you run against him you 'd better wear the right protection .
30 Erm , and therefore you 're thrown back at er finding something else , this sort of vague compromise of director of this that or this that and the other , er , er , appeared , and er it seems to me A long winded , er but also , it indicates something against what you 've already tried to do , which is to merge the two together .
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