Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] he have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Happily for everyone he has put down anchor
2 Despite Mozart 's unkind comments on the failing vocal powers of the ageing Mannheim tenor Raaff , some instinct had warned him to keep on friendly terms with the singer , for whom he had written an aria on the way back from Paris .
3 In Prague , Mozart also reacquainted himself with old friends , including Count Thun , in whose house he and Constanze stayed , and the Dušeks — František , a respected composer and teacher , and his wife Josepha , an old Salzburg friend of Wolfgang 's and a fine singer for whom he had written several concert arias .
4 The international deaf community , for whom he had compiled a dictionary of international sign language ( Gestuno ) , was also deeply affected by Hayhurst 's sudden death .
5 Cook was thus greatly distressed and bewildered to learn that the New Zealand Maori , for whom he had developed a respectful admiration , ate their defeated enemies without compunction !
6 It was the same mentality that led him into the folie de grandeur of thinking that , having been a champion driver , he was also fitted to run a motor-racing team — indeed , to think that he was better fitted to do so than those for whom he had worked and driven .
7 " I never believed such stupidity could exist , " the Collector said to McNab , for whom he had come to entertain a great respect .
8 He had lost half his command , and failed of winning back Harry for whom he had come .
9 One such group was the disabled community for whom he had set up the Prince of Wales Advisory Group on Disability .
10 The prosecution said it was a tragic case ; a brilliant academic who 'd killed his quiet , middle-aged parents , for whom he 'd developed a consuming and irrational hatred .
11 Tonight 's with the Scottish Early Music Consort , for whom he has written Lament : Autumn Wind , which blends medieval western instruments with those of ancient China .
12 Joe Lydon 's impressive form at full-back , combined with an ability to play anywhere in the three-quarters , sees him make his third tour , while the man for whom he has deputised in recent weeks , Steve Hampson , goes on his first tour .
13 God has not yet come back to buy up his possessions ( the Christians ) , for whom he has paid the down-payment of the Spirit ( Eph. 1:14 ) ; and it is in the context of our future inheritance beyond death that Paul speaks of the Spirit as our ‘ earnest ’ in 2 Corinthians 5:5 .
14 He , too , is trained by Stephenson , for whom he has won his last four races in smart style , albeit with a tendency to jump right .
15 He , too , is trained by Stephenson , for whom he has won his last four races in smart style , albeit with a tendency to jump right .
16 In this vision — a kind of ‘ flash-forward ’ in fantasy — Jesus sees himself married to the Magdalene ( for whom he has lusted all through the book ) and fathering a family upon her .
17 It was the Reverend Baron who pointed out to his landlady that her husband and his employers , about whom he had heard a great deal , would be lucky to get back to Florence ‘ before war really takes hold ’ .
18 Of these the most important was Hartley , after whom he had named his first son .
19 We checked all but our oilies , hand baggage and briefcases into the airport lock-ups , and after what he had said about the weather , I was glad to see , when we got to the car desk , that he had laid on a four-wheel-drive land-cruiser .
20 Logical really , after what he had said to Pat Merge with the Mallorys ; marry a Mallory .
21 She did not understand how Oliver could be so calm after what he had said about Dad at the end of the party .
22 She did n't mention the word ‘ love ’ , because , after what he had said and seeing now in his eyes what he truly thought of her , she doubted whether she could love a man like him .
23 The very thought made her mouth water , but she 'd cut her tongue out before admitting it to him after what he had said .
24 Vic Wilcox demanded , an hour or so later , when they were back in his office after what he had referred to as ‘ a quick whistle round the works ’ .
25 She could n't understand how he dared to show his face after what he had done to Mr Potter .
26 Why should she be worried about him , after what he had done ?
27 It is hardly surprising that , after what he had witnessed , he should set about some slaughter of his own .
28 After what he had told me , or thought he had told me , it must have seemed reasonable .
29 Though Polly had little sympathy for Clive after what he had put her through , this merciless dismissal of another man 's entire future made her skin crawl .
30 Perkin would n't have risked any way to kill me that meant creeping up on me , not after what he 'd seen .
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