Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] it [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Er I would , I would echo that , that we feel that they money has been paid in for work or services done by the employer and by the er fund members themselves have contributed and I do n't think it belongs to either of those parties in any more , it 's held by the trustees to pay pensions , if for nothing it 's been put there just to pay pensions , it 's not a piggy bank for er for companies to draw out with the with their tame er trustees allowing it , it it 's money the trustees hold in in trust and I believe that 's the law at the moment and er I I think we would like to see that confirmed in any new law .
2 It was a most successful party , and the only person who failed to enjoy it was the one for whom it had been given .
3 Their closeness was less due to their nearness in age — though with only eighteen months between them it had been easy for them to grow up with similar interests and shared confidences — than to the fact that neither of their parents had ever made much of them .
4 It was going to be used as a gardening shed for tomatoes but for me it has been the history and finding out about its past that has been the fun .
5 For me it 's been exactly the opposite ; I 've never been healthier — and I 'm much more religious than when I started doing this .
6 But for me it 's been well worthwhile .
7 We talk about decisions as if there was always a point in time before which the decision was not made arid after which it has been made .
8 At all stages in the development of armory , and in all the centuries during which it has been in use , there have been two conflicting underlying factors , and it is important that the local historian be aware of them from the outset , so that if false trails are followed they are not followed for long .
9 Here accountability is clearly defined , the routes and paths through which it flows are easily discerned , often articulated and condition the nature , state and integrity of the whole enterprise .
10 Past history is thus significant as the occasion by which we have been enabled to see what otherwise we might have failed to grasp ; but the real content of the revelation is in principle detachable from the particular history through which it has been manifested .
11 But the agency does have the job of approving materials and devices ( as well as drugs ) intended for the treatment of disease , and way back in the late 1960s it rightly concluded that none of the artificial hearts available was fit for the task for which it had been designed .
12 Inevitably , government help undermined the bank 's ability to do the job for which it had been established , and in 1897 the Poles opened the new Land Purchase Bank .
13 The garden city lobby alleged that the vested interests of London had worked against a decentralist approach , for which it had been striving for many years , and F.J. Osborn acknowledged in correspondence with Lewis Mumford that the Plan was a bitter disappointment to him and the Town and Country Planning Association ( TCPA ) :
14 In Soho the Partisan coffee bar , founded by the New Left Review — which had grown out of the New Reasoner in 1960- was attracting a far more Bohemian and disreputable crowd than the straighter new leftists for which it had been intended .
15 The immediate catalyst for his removal was an inept press conference on Dec. 5 in which he declared the recession to be abating , only hours before the publication of official figures which showed that GDP had declined 0.3 per cent in the three months to September , the sixth successive quarter for which it had been either static or negative .
16 It had been particularly disastrous in Germany and Britain , the countries for which it had been designed .
17 The National Front , also , has failed to make the breakthrough for which it had been hoping .
18 The actual amount disbursed under the scheme in the two years for which it ran was £17 million , not £24 million .
19 The right to a trade mark can be assigned only in connection with the goodwill of the business concerned in the goods for which it has been registered , and comes to an end with that goodwill .
20 The total number of persons using the accommodation shall not exceed the number for which it has been booked ;
21 Instead of the bureaucracy continuing to serve the main purpose for which it has been set up there is an obsession with procedure , because procedure has to serve as the guideline in the absence of anything else .
22 Much must also depend on the , as yet unknown , date of the constitution of the civitas Carvetiorum , for which it has been claimed that Carlisle acted as a capital .
23 Rosa Jacobsen confirmed in Elisabeth her determined quest , not directly , but indirectly , for Rosa was like Marie Grubbe , of whom it had been written that she was someone who ‘ sought flowers in the tree of life where others would never think to look — under dark leaves and on dry branches ’ .
24 Most of them it 's been questions of rather less fundamental changes in the actual teaching style in the classroom and sometimes it 's been a question of concentrating on rather different kinds of things or giving more time to one kind of activity than another , or changing the pattern of assignments that they gave children , or things that were still well within the capacity of teachers to change without involving sort of fundamental changes in teaching style .
25 After three dormant years it began humming like a computer , sucking in information of which it had been starved , until my head began to hurt physically with the effort .
26 Sometimes conditions could be even worse : Godwin , for example , describes a London court where ‘ the basement story of nearly all the houses was filled with foetid refuse , of which it had been the receptacle for years ’ , and one water barrel of 50 to 60 gallons is intended to serve two houses , containing between them at least a hundred people .
27 The Nikola Petkov Bulgarian Agrarian Party ( BZNS ) campaigned separately from the UDF , of which it had been a partner in the 1990 elections .
28 The review may be evaluated generally by how effectively and efficiently it met the objectives set out in Document 1 , on the basis of which it had been negotiated .
29 In working towards the growth of a total quality culture it seeks to impact on all aspects of Scottish life , encompassing corporate responsibility and individual quality awareness both of which it believes are fundamental to long-term Scottish success .
30 From detailed descriptions of elements out of which it has been made .
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