Example sentences of "[adj] men who have [be] " in BNC.

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1 There would always have been a few men who had been dancing barechested all the evening , dancing with the fierce attention of the tango , or the apache ; these were the ones who stayed on late .
2 Last night , the acting convener , Tommy Gorman , said the workforce was disgusted at the way in which the 67 men who had been made redundant had been treated and the fact they would receive the minimum statutory payoffs .
3 Some of them were loyal and trusted men who had been with the Prince for years and , as well as relying heavily upon them , he liked them .
4 When Margaret Thatcher became leader the party was still dominated by these men who had been through the war together .
5 In the summer of 1529 , during an outbreak of the plague in southern England , three men who had been students together at Cambridge found themselves by chance staying in the same house in Waltham .
6 The court thus upheld a claim by three men who had been given discretionary sentences for various sex offences .
7 The action occurred after Palestinians had attempted to prevent the soldiers arresting three men who had been painting slogans on a wall .
8 There are a lot of young people who have never worked and many men who have been made redundant .
9 1988 ) included 77 men who had been disabled for up to 15 years and the second included 42 men and 10 women disabled between 20 and 50 years ( Zarb et al . ,
10 Gay men who had been shown a stiff cock in a public lavatory by a policeman , and were then promptly arrested for showing an interest , were n't slow to remind us that , thanks to Queen Victoria , lesbianism was not illegal .
11 He presumed those men who had been on duty had all gone in the helicopter to help the others .
12 You know both sides were very happy you know it was up with the company or down with the company you know , and I think certainly the younger lads sort of saw it as an infringement upon their future , you know we 've all got mortgages and the o older men who 'd been working since the quarry started you know were gon na see a drop in their standard of living , so I think you know people were getting a bit upset you know that a n a new fella h a new face had come in , and all of a sudden you know changes were being made that were gon na hurt everybody financially .
13 Even as the people run away in terror , the fire of God 's anger , which destroyed parts of the camp in Numbers 11 , now consumes the 250 men who had been the closest supporters of Korah in his bid for power .
14 Slowly , like a black storm cloud that builds up ominously on a distant horizon , the second of the two Men who had been feeding the eagles advanced on Woil .
15 They were both amazed to find that because of the war scare young men who had been quite content to go out with them on their terms suddenly wanted to start serious courting .
16 Dot knew from their voices that those two young men who 'd been working in the fields must be prisoners .
17 Beattie was taken back to the cell and shortly afterwards brought down to the main police office where the other men who had been arrested were being assembled .
18 He had the notion that she was mocking him , and the anger he had felt earlier returned in a different form , a determination to excel , to beat other men who had been with her .
19 Had she really expected him to think like David or Ben , or many of the other men who had been a part of her adult life ?
20 She wondered about the other men who had been on the plane , and what theirs felt like .
21 He seldom thought of the half-dozen men who had been hanged during the twenty years of his forensic experience , primarily because of his evidence , and when he did , it was not the strained but oddly anonymous faces in the dock which he remembered , or their names ; but paper and ink , the thickened downward stroke , the peculiar formation of a letter .
22 One result is that the old parties face a growing challenge from new groups led by energetic men who have been excluded from the ruling class because of their race or their class .
23 The commercial department of the Central Authority was staffed at the top by three ex-CEB men who had been experts in the complex bulk tariff rules laid down in 1926 to secure equity between independent undertakings : a job which no longer existed .
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