Example sentences of "[adj] night [unc] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You need a sound night 's sleep to prepare you for the taxing journey tomorrow .
2 It took only minutes under the hot jets to wash the last dreamy remnants of sleep away , and then once again all the previous night 's fears came rushing back .
3 The ripple of laughter that greeted his father 's jocular reference to the previous night 's adventure broke into his train of thought .
4 He fell back on the settee with a thump as the memories of the previous night 's activities came flooding back .
5 The bag opens and the ‘ swag ’ from the previous night 's job spills on to the pavement : gold candlesticks , war trophies and silverware .
6 Billy and Paul had just disembarked from their tour bus after a 17-hour journey from the previous night 's gig supporting Rush in Fort Worth , Texas , and were on their way to play in St Louis the next evening .
7 Burun 's analysis of the previous night 's events had been scathing , but had provided no answers .
8 ‘ It was a long night 's work wasted . ’
9 Young ladies proverbially make sure they have their " beauty sleep " — the statement " a good night 's sleep improves one 's appearance " was endorsed by over two-thirds of the sample .
10 He added : ‘ Short term relief or a good night 's sleep to help you recover is the best you can expect . ’
11 A good night 's sleep leads to a reappraisal .
12 Bob Smith and David Brand from HMS United got inshore on their first night 's recce to find a long and uncharted sandbank off the south coast port of Gela , where the Rangers would land that summer .
13 A nice night 's sleep seems like a nice change , but nightmares have habits of popping up , once when I was five I had a dream that my friends and I were being ripped apart and eaten by a giant , now when the time comes to go into that great big C D tea room in the sky , could you change something ?
14 When she looked up at him and smiled , he could see that the dangerous edge of last night 's exhaustion had been blunted .
15 Last night 's developments came just 24 hours after TODAY revealed how Diana had agreed a secret pact with Charles to bury the hatchet for the sake of appearances .
16 Even before last night 's talks began , AEEU general secretary Gavin Laird said he was ‘ extremely pessimistic ’ and that only a miracle could prevent the plant 's closure .
17 Last night 's ban comes only 10 days after a similar incident in which Shrewsbury manager John Bond was forced to stay away from an FA Cup tie at his former club , Burnley .
18 For heaven 's sake , she lectured herself despairingly , he was two-timing a fiancée back in England , and if last night 's incident had been any indication he was quite prepared to embark on a brief dalliance with her as well as Tara …
19 Behind us a long chain of tiny lights danced slowly away from the refuge towards the col du Chardonnet , as last night 's occupants resumed the Haute Route .
20 Unbidden , last night 's insults came creeping back .
21 Family privacy was also increased by the provision of back stairs , so that the master of the house on his main stairway might not meet his ‘ last night 's faeces coming down them ’ .
22 Drinkers at Peter Kavanagh 's in Egerton Street , Toxteth , Liverpool , became so attached to their papier mache guy featured in last night 's Echothey launched a petition to save him .
23 And last night 's haul puts him just one behind Hunt 's all-time Liverpool scoring record of 285 .
24 Fragments of last night 's conversation taunted her .
25 I need n't be frightened of the mole-woman : she 'd be too busy making beds and totting up last night 's proceeds to wonder whether I was a truant from a Youth Custody Centre or a prostitute on an overnight break .
26 Last night 's storm has done little to clear the atmosphere , ’ Mr Carson said .
27 Last night 's intimacy seemed doubly incongruous in contrast to this fraught hostility .
28 Last night 's film examined a one-day course which helps people overcome their fear of flying .
29 Last night 's shooting occurred a few hours after the previous victim , a former Irish Republican Army man shot dead by the Provos for allegedly turning police informer , was buried in Belfast .
30 In last night 's Hawthorns replay , Wycombe were finally sunk by an 82nd-minute goal from Albion 's Bob Taylor .
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