Example sentences of "[adj] system be the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But now , when even quite modest châteaux start at over £10 a bottle , with duty , shipping and VAT still to pay , it seems quite obvious that the main beneficiaries from this system are the château-proprietors themselves .
2 One thing I have always found with this system is the difficulty of classifying it as either capitalism or socialism .
3 In higher organisms one prime function of this system is the maintenance of consciousness as a kind of screen upon which both novel information and the background presentational continuum can be projected .
4 At no point in this system is the object itself represented .
5 ( 7 ) so can he , but the main point about this system is the strain it puts on the other players
6 The motive for this system was the provision of income for the royal treasury from the fees charged on the transaction of money-changing ; it was not prompted by any financial crisis .
7 The gyroscope of this system was the world 's financial capital , London .
8 With reference to the economy he said : ‘ To find the law of this equilibrium is the basic problem of theoretical economics and theoretical economics as a scientific system is the result of an examination of the entire capitalist system in its state of equilibrium . ’
9 To find the law of this equilibrium is the basic problem of theoretical economics and theoretical economics as a scientific system is the result of an examination of the entire capitalist system in its state of equilibrium .
10 It would appear that we are fully justified in regarding the fields of life as the instruments of physical evolution , of which , on this Planet at least , the human nervous system is the masterpiece .
11 The most important part of the nervous system is the brain , which directs all our activities and reactions , both mental and physical .
12 A critical stage in the development of the peripheral nervous system is the projection of axons to their targets , the ensheathment of these axons and their subsequent myelination by Schwann cells .
13 The Trident programme had seen the start of the pressure , because the submarine-launched system was the priority programme at the Establishment .
14 To Fermin Caballero , writing at the turn of the nineteenth century , this pattern of agricultural settlement constituted the chief bar to progress : a more intensive system was the key to higher production but the physical relation of the labourer and farmer to the land , the distance from the house in which he slept to the field he worked , made intense cultivation impossible .
15 The core of the double-entry system is the ledger , in which all the transactions of the business must ultimately appear , either individually or as totals from subsidiary books , as shown by Fig. 5.1 .
16 The double-entry system is the basis of modern systems used by businesses both large and small , governments , banks , insurance companies and industries .
17 These advantages of the procedural system are the advantages of classical times .
18 The single most distinctive feature of the English sentencing system is the breadth of discretion that is conferred on sentencers at all levels within the system .
19 No doubt , the most fundamental factor working in favour of the present system is the fact that the regime is politically hoisted to it .
20 But in recent years his plays have been more about the paradoxical nature of dissidence itself : the emotional turbulence of the authority given the individual as a public spokesman , and about the fact that one of the worst features of any totalitarian system is the need to conform to other people 's expectations .
21 The essence of the capitalist system is the knowledge that these basic services are simple and their outcome sure .
22 This means that the capitalist system is the cause of the crises encountered , and therefore such crises must be ascribed to endogenous factors .
23 The price paid for this powerful system is the introduction of a new unfamiliar notation with its associated fear factor for many teachers , particularly those unused to mathematics or flowcharts .
24 Other apparent beneficiaries of a protest vote against the existing system were the Republican Party , the Green Party and the Sicily-based La Rete ( the Network ) , which on an anti-Mafia platform became the leading party in Palermo , Sicily .
25 The ‘ court of last resort ’ in the English legal system is the House of Lords .
26 For the use made of imprisonment as a penalty , together with the size of the prison population , and a good many other aspects of the penal system are the result of policy decisions ( or , to be more precise , a refusal to develop a coherent policy ) for which the courts share collective responsibility , together with other criminal justice agencies , and , of course , government itself .
27 The important factors in a regulatory system are the degree to which such practices can be limited ( with the proviso that no system can totally eliminate fraud ) , and secondly , when a fraud does occur or is occurring , the speed with which the regulatory system can detect it and put a stop to it .
28 The widespread belief that the limbic system is the substrate of emotion is also the result of an accident , in that Papez 's theory of emotion was not justified by the evidence available at the time and there are other , equally acceptable , interpretations of the effects of limbic system damage .
29 There are still those who believe that the limbic system is the source of emotional experience , while others have implicated parts of the circuit in spatial ability ( McNaughton and Morris 1987 ) or memory ( Olton 1983 ) .
30 Many people , therefore , encoded his conclusion to be that the limbic system was the seat of emotion .
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