Example sentences of "[adj] things that i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In fact , it 's been one of the most exciting things that I 've worked on and it 's certainly changed my career . ’
2 ‘ Before I kiss you , ’ she said , ‘ there are some things that I want to say .
3 Joan while I remember in my car I 've got some things that I want your professional advice about .
4 One of the interesting things that I do is go every so often and talk to groups of British civil servants who are going to spend some of them a week some of them up to six weeks on an exchange visit erm with the French civil service , in an attempt to learn a certain amount erm about how the system works , both so that they will be able to understand more easily when it comes to joint erm ventures , joint matters , joint policies , what the other side is doing and the pressures within which it 's operating , and also so that sometimes they may be able to learn things , and pick up useful tips and hints about the way to handle a particular problem .
5 It it 's one of those unfortunate things that I mean I think we 've we 've got to look around and see what we can do about .
6 The three things that I remember most clearly about Basil were , firstly , his great interest in the development of children 's powers of observation , to help them with their aesthetic expression .
7 Because any one of these two or three things that I show you is enough if it 's a surprise to them they will blow you out .
8 A number of these things that I have already raised this morning are perhaps are , er primary phase issues rather than secondary but we must remember that the pressures on secondary schools continue as in the primary phase and finally another concern which you are all very well aware of and which particularly if you 're governors you will have drawn to your attention constantly is erm the continuing concern about our educational building stock both in terms of its adequacy as regards the size and the capacity of the accommodation at , where some schools are concerned its need for repair and maintenance work and its need for adaptation to meet the new demands of the curriculum .
9 ‘ But , Mr Broadhurst , sir , all these things that I do and think , they 're just habits , are n't they ?
10 Yeah , I thought these things that I do n't wear that I like the material of , it 's good material , it 's a matter of trying built it up
11 One of the greatest things that I have become aware of is that if you have eight people to dinner , one or two of them will be vegetarians .
12 He 's into fun and games in bed , all the horny things that I get off on like spankings and Polaroid pictures .
13 A week ago I did n't know what to learn and now there 's so many things that I know I want to learn .
14 It 's a pity that the general public do n't come into this chamber on , on a normal debate , about education , about children 's needs , about social services , the very things that I 've
15 I wonder if it 's one of those things that I mean she 's reading the story aloud , I wonder if you were reading that story as as well
16 I 'm not so hundred percent certain it 's not one of those things that I think
17 I 'm well educated and I 've got two children and I can manage pretty well , there 's a number of much more essential things that I know how to do , but I ca n't do those ones , and when they come up I feel like weeping myself sick . "
18 I love what I 'm doing for Revlon but there are two things that I do think about , one is becoming an actress and the other is going to university to study art history .
19 In some ways that was the classic sound that I had with Whitesnake , but that sound was n't usable in later , more AOR versions of either that band or even other things that I 've done ; all you can say is that it was right for that particular music .
20 I have extracted a vast number of chocolates from automatic machines ; I have obtained cigarettes , toffee , scent , and other things that I dislike by the same machinery ; I have weighed myself with sublime results ; and this sense not only of the healthiness of popular things , but of their essential antiquity and permanence is still in possession of my mind .
21 In due course I will answer it for you , that and many other things that I know have quizzed you these past years . ’
22 I mean there are certain things like , the general conditioners to benefit , which erm , are alright , but there are other things that I know about and that I will pass on to people to look out for that I would n't want eh , that you would n't want eh , erm , outsiders to know .
23 People think if you 're small , you 're there to be downtrodden , and they have a stack of prejudices about all the other things that I happen to be .
24 ‘ It did n't distress or alarm me in any way , certainly not as much as many other things that I have seen that have earned certificates ’ .
25 This book is for Ear'ole , who has been as enthusiastic about my shop as she has been about all the other things that I have tackled , and then begged her to help with .
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