Example sentences of "[adj] place on [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The argument is clearest in its application to the theatre : recall Harsnett 's view that the theatre was a zone of pollution and licence , one capable of being managed by locating it in a designated place on the social periphery .
2 Sent away to prep school at eight , he was lonely and homesick and no sooner had he settled in than he moved to public school , to Gordonstoun , a bleak and desolate place on the windswept north-east coast of Scotland , with a regime to match .
3 Out of 300 good class competitors , he achieved a brilliant second place on a hilly route in 59 mins. 7 secs .
4 It also seems unfair that the Report should appear to place Scott as an equal with Banks and Barry , because of his second place on the unofficial War Department lists .
5 We started house-hunting and found the perfect place on a new rural estate within ten minutes ' drive of the café .
6 There was a museum on the southern shore , and the coast was lined by terraces of comfortable villas ; a band-stand occupied a prominent place on a new promenade , and at dusk a large crowd thronged round to listen to the music ministered to them by a company of musicians , what some call in Scotland a ‘ brass band . ’
7 Even if you are only seeing a few people there should be someone to greet them on arrival and make them feel they have come to the right place on the right day .
8 They walked on , thinking of This and That , and by-and-by they came to an enchanted place on the very top of the Forest called Galleons Lap , which is sixty-something trees in a circle ; and Christopher Robin knew that it was enchanted because nobody had ever been able to count whether it was sixty-three or sixty-four , not even when he tied a piece of string round each tree after he had counted it .
9 The moor can be a very pleasant place on a bright spring day , and we never found the work tedious .
10 Where the two offices were united in one structure , Angell and Pownall seem to have given them an equal place on the Foreign Office and War Department lists , no doubt thinking that the implementation of the project would be considerably easier if the same architect were carrying out both offices .
11 As leader for nine years , he had an automatic place on the ruling body .
12 Our idea — which would involve wheeling a building large enough to cover London 's Tower Bridge over the damaged reactor — gained us a $ prize and , more importantly , an automatic place on the short list for bidding for the 3 million ECU feasibility contract .
13 ‘ There 's a better place on the other side of the bridge , ’ Carson told her , and they walked on .
14 King 's Lynn was one of the busiest seaports in the country in the Middle Ages , and although the sea has receded , leaving the town inland , it is still a busy place on the Great Ouse .
15 Islam traditionally held an important place on the political stage or the West Bank .
16 RALLY ace Miles Johnston started his 1992 season with a fighting drive to sixth place on the Riponian stages event at the weekend .
17 Whatever happens , the Scot , who meets Dennis Taylor in the last 16 , is guaranteed to leapfrog back over Jimmy White into first place on the provisional world ranking list .
18 Brazilian formula one driver Ayrton Senna was third , with £14.5 million , while Mansell 's Williams team mate Ricardo Patrese could only manage 16th place on a modest £5 million .
19 ULSTER driver Stephen Finlay , who finished in a superb third place on the British Open ( or international ) championship Vauxhall Sport Rally in Wales last weekend , moves to Scotland this week to defend his lead in the British national series .
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