Example sentences of "[adj] place [be] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Rosa 's old place was a couple of hundred metres away .
2 Its articulation is easier and hence its flexibility is greater than that of the trumpet , but its proper place is the brass or wind band and it has not succeeded in establishing itself permanently in the orchestra .
3 The only noise in that wild , empty place was the sound of our footsteps in the snow .
4 Although he 's travelled all over the world taking stills , Mexico and the Bahamas last year , Thailand and Kampuchea before that , of all the beautiful places he 's visited and the stunning scenery he 's witnessed , his favourite place is the bottom of the sea .
5 But under the leadership of Neil Kinnock , whose top place was no surprise , local party stitch-ups have been replaced by ballots .
6 When the spreading cotton manufacture extended similar opportunities , Arthur Young wrote of Manchester : " large families in this place are no incumbrance ; all are set to work " .
7 I tell you , this place is a spiderweb .
8 ‘ One student told me , ‘ The day we leave this place is a victory for racism ’ , ’ he said .
9 Resident Simon Halliwell says ‘ This place is a gift for a person with a big ego and a big wallet and in the long term they wo n't be of any use to the island . ’
10 He had guessed that this place was a palace to her , and she wondered suddenly if she was a complete fool even to consider getting mixed up in his world , when it was so far removed from her own .
11 The Court of Appeal had decided that , where the offence takes place in , there was no reason to require the presence of any bystander , actual or likely , since by definition a public place was a place where the public were likely to be .
12 — FAVOURITE toy in the entire place is a juke box style CD player .
13 That is , if ( for the purposes of semantic or pragmatic interpretation ) we think of deictic expressions as anchored to specific points in the communicative event , then the unmarked anchorage points , constituting the deictic centre , are typically assumed to be as follows : ( i ) the central person is the speaker , ( ii ) the central time is the time at which the speaker produces the utterance , ( iii ) the central place is the speaker 's location at utterance time or CT , ( iv ) the discourse centre is the point which the speaker is currently at in the production of his utterance , and ( v ) the social centre is the speaker 's social status and rank , to which the status or rank of addressees or referents is relative .
14 Other bores can also be used but the obvious point must be that a small charge in the right place is a lot better than a heavier charge badly directed .
15 M. André Simon , Boulestin 's compatriot and contemporary , writing two years ago of Boulestin 's rule that all wines young or old , red or white must be served in a decanter , recorded that " he never liked the shape and colour of wine bottles standing on the table : they were of the greatest use , of course , but their right place was the cellar or pantry " .
16 ( 2 ) Apart from any such contract , express or implied , the place of delivery is the seller 's place of business , if he has one , and if not , his residence : except that , if the contract is for the sale of specific goods , which to the knowledge of the parties when the contract is made are in some other place , then that place is the place of delivery . ’
17 That place was a trap once they knew we were there .
18 The only comfortable place was the kitchen ; they toasted their raw hands and feet by the fire and the heat made their chilblains itch .
19 Every few steps I stopped and shouted , but the only sound in that wild , lonely place was the wind .
20 Products which do not meet consumer desires will fail the market test , but whether products come onto the market in the first place is a matter entirely in the hands of business .
21 About the only place is the lavatory and in the lavatory you cry alone .
22 Olympic place is the target
23 And perhaps the best place is the dining room .
24 Yeah a little bit , the whole place is a mess though is n't it ?
25 One said : ‘ The whole place is a disgrace .
26 The whole place is a shambles of falling rock , soft shaly rock , slaty rock ; everything has been split apart by erosion .
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