Example sentences of "[adj] man [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I thought Bobby Carter was a brave man to stand up to Billy , and him twice his size . ’
2 Some man came up to me and asked , ‘ You wan na smoke ? ’
3 Besides , Priscilla 's probably got some man lined up for you as dinner partner . ’
4 That 's what she said and she said minding me own business and this she said and this man come up to her and he said have you got
5 ‘ About forty minutes before the train was due to arrive this man came up to me and asked if I 'd be interested in making five hundred francs .
6 Anyway , this man came up to where I was standing with my mother , and asked if I was for hire .
7 This man came up to and he heard this chains .
8 and this man came up to me father and he says , that is not the right grave , you 've been told .
9 This man went out with a pouch and gathered up owl-pellets , which he labelled , and later , took apart with forceps , bathed in glass beakers of various cleansing fluids , ordering and rearranging the orts and fragments of the owl 's compressed package of bone , tooth and fur , in order to reconstitute the dead shrew or slow-worm which had run , died , and made its way through owl-gut .
10 Got this man to come up with his screwdrivers and his this , that and the other .
11 The old man blinks up through milky , uncomprehending eyes as the father , leaning over the table on knuckled hands , spits out his loathing in a voice too low to be overheard .
12 Along the valley , the old man wanders off from his allotment into a small rickety shed .
13 Only the old man got through to Matthew , and even though David argued his stepfather was showing only kindness , and ‘ had the boy 's interests at heart ’ , Beth was not convinced .
14 Craning his neck , the old man looked up at his stepson .
15 Alexander assumed the throne of Montenegro in 1918 when the French government , in league with the Serbian , refused to allow the old man to go back to Montenegro after his wartime exile in France .
16 The weatherbeaten old man squinted up at the handsome young giant who stood grinning down at him .
17 Then in the lake an old man came up from under the water and took a great scoopful of water and drank deeply .
18 An old man came out of the baker 's and his young dog greeted him .
19 In the Forest of Fangorn Gimli the dwarf wants Legolas the elf ( both companions of Frodo ) to kill an old wandering man but Legolas takes pity on him and again the right decision is made , the old man turns out to be Gandalf whom they thought was dead .
20 Mostly , they drank beer , so much of it that one old man stumbled out into the night entirely on automatic pilot and a middle-aged , tired-looking woman with a wooden leg lapsed into a coma .
21 The old man sat up with a jerk , slopping scotch over his hands which I noticed were shaking .
22 The old man peered down at him .
23 The old man sank back into the chair , a look of satisfaction on his face .
24 But there 's many a missus as needs to be home when her old man comes in from work on a Thursday , if she 's to get her proper share of his pay-packet .
25 The second man ducked back around the corner and Maxim backed off crouching and aiming until he was within a few metres of the cross-street .
26 A fair-haired man getting out of the passenger seat , front .
27 As Dr Warton entered the bedroom , he heard the dying man cry out to his medical attendant :
28 Each individual man starts out as an animal with a potential ( genetic predisposition ) for acquiring culture ; we become civilized human beings by virtue of our training ; our moral judgements derives from that training .
29 As they watched , a burly man came out of the farm and crossed to one of the three barns .
30 She can stick to aggression and abuse — tell the offending man to back off from teaching his granny to suck eggs .
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