Example sentences of "[adj] number [prep] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 The high number of injuries the bombers clearly hoped for were averted by the caution of the police .
2 Irving Fisher 's version of the quantity theory can be explained in terms of the following ‘ equation of exchange ’ : where M is the nominal stock of money in circulation and V is the transactions velocity of circulation of money ( that is , the average number of times the given quantity of money changes hands in transactions ) ; P is the average price of all transactions and T is the number of transactions that take place during the time period .
3 Notice that k is the reciprocal of the income velocity of circulation of money ( which can be defined as the average number of times the money supply changes hands in financing the national income ) .
4 On a large number of matches the extra few fish that this may put in their net will not make any difference between winning or losing , but it may affect the deficit or margin by which they win or lose .
5 In a large number of cases the egg would develop quite normally into a swimming tadpole and then an adult toad .
6 In a large number of cases the cover will be restricted to ‘ third party ’ only which is still within the requirements of section 145 above , at ( B ) 7 .
7 In a large number of cases the licence is issued to a firm , i.e. a limited company , then the company secretary is liable for the misuse of the trade plate on behalf of the company .
8 As we have seen , in a large number of colonies the authorities had been involved in publishing newspapers , Using both the colonial and local languages , they had tried to put over the official point of view , often in an attempt to forestall or counter alternative interpretations and opinions .
9 A large number of firms the Joint Monitoring Unit visited last year are failing to meet one or more of its criteria for good audit procedures , according to the first annual review of audit regulation .
10 Mr Kinnock 's voice was choked with emotion as , refusing to concede defeat , he said : ‘ Even now as the recounts are going on in a very large number of seats the results of this election is not decided . ’
11 Since there is a large number of nerves the number of possible combinations and sequences of stimuli is enormous so it is possible for a system like that , in principle , to produce a very large number of possible reactions .
12 There are great dangers in the royal family speaking out because I have a memory of the nineteen seventy nine , just prior to the devolution bill in the referendum in Scotland , when the Queen spoke out against devolution , now she in , in effect denied a large number of Scots the opportunity to have some sort of Scottish Parliament based here , and we probably would n't , I think , be debating this subject today , if in fact we 'd got that eleven years ago .
13 For motors with a large number of phases the torque reduction at low speeds is less pronounced .
14 In a rather larger number of situations the authorities will have quite explicit duties but will not have been given detailed guidance on how to carry them out .
15 The quota is the smallest number of votes the candidate has to get in order to be sure of getting a seat .
16 On a select number of occasions the licensing authority has decided not to disclose to the medical profession and patients the data behind reasons for its decisions — for example , those relating to Opren ( benoxoprofen ) and Halcion ( triazolam ) .
17 It is all too easy to forget the sheer number of songs the man has written that have become pop standards , most of which were included in the two-hour show .
18 In a small number of cases the JMU 's evidence has been such that the committee has decided the firm should not be registered , or that registration should be granted , but with restrictive conditions ( where , for example , a partner may be precluded from acting as a ‘ responsible individual ’ ) .
19 In a small number of cases the defendant will have deliberately driven without a licence because he ca n't pass a test ; he is a visitor to Britain and because he has been granted leave to stay , he now requires a licence etc. , i.e. within 12 months for a visitor .
20 In addition to Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley 's well publicised and controversial statement that elder abuse was not a ‘ major problem ’ is the worrying view from junior health minister Tim Yeo who said last year : ‘ In a very small number of cases the carer can not cope and responds with violence . ’
21 In a small number of cases the division would be in the proportion 2:1 .
22 He should include in each demise a small number of spaces the availability of which the tenant can be sure .
23 The symptom index was calculated as the number of times the symptom occurred when the pH was below four , divided by the total number of times the symptom was reported ; this quotient was then multiplied by 100 to give the percentage of symptoms associated with reflux .
24 However , I am out of mine on Thursday and Friday , but you are very welcome to telephone me a home over the weekend on , or on the same number on Monday the 26th of April .
25 It starts off at some value here and it goes down until eventually when it 's done a certain number of miles the car 's worth nothing .
26 Well I 've already said about the bulk transfer Giro , I quite honestly do n't know whether any other option can be given to people , they 've given the option to defer their pension with the Post or their present scheme , transferred it new company scheme or take out er the money and take out a personal pension fund er I suppose there might be a possibility of offering people after a certain number past a certain number of years the opportunity to remain within the fund they 're in but er the contribution and who , who makes a contribution may be a problem , but that 's the only other option I can see .
27 A few are ‘ trying out ’ policing by joining the reserves first , although the common view amongst the reserve police is that it is harder for them to transfer to the regulars than it is for someone without experience to sign up straight away because of the greater number of reasons the police authorities are thereby given for turning them down .
28 It follows that after a moderate number of trials the amount of latent inhibition accruing to S1 when presented as part of the serial compound S1-S2 is likely to be less than that produced by training with S1 alone .
29 Over the last number of years the way unemployment figures have been measured has been altered 31 times creating an entirely distorted picture .
30 unc Now study this example : unc Making the decimal 0.12 into a whole number for division the x 10 machine had to be used twice , x 100 in other words , since we had two figures after the point .
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