Example sentences of "[adj] year [ex0] was [art] " in BNC.

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1 And this year there was no use even in making promises .
2 This year there was a record 80 entries and no reported incidents involving commercial traffic .
3 There were also teams from America , Australia , France , Germany , Switzerland , and Spain , and for the second year there was a team of exceptionally courageous British disabled skiers led by Mr Mike Hammond and Miss Sue Hatch .
4 The following year there was a visit to the Edison works at West Orange , where the delegates saw prerecorded cylinders made by an experimental moulding process .
5 In 1896 while sculling at Putney , an oarsman had been sunk by a stone-throwing youth , and in the following year there was a complaint that a yacht 's skylight had been broken at Lambeth Bridge and then ‘ a shower of horse dung greeted us at Chelsea ’ .
6 In the tent that night we eat smoked trout and Odd-Knut tells us that the previous year there was a fight on his team and after it was over and the dogs were moving again he saw blood on the snow .
7 At the time , Shana a picture researcher was expecting the couple 's second child and , having miscarried the previous year there was a fear she might do so again .
8 ‘ In February of this very year there was the attack on the settlement of Tel Hai when six of its defenders were killed by marauding Arabs .
9 At the full year there was a deficit of $18.7m ( 1991 : $9.3m loss ) following losses in the fourth quarter of $12.5m ( 1991 : $8.6m loss ) .
10 One year there was a craze for Diabolo — a game where an hourglass-shaped piece of wood was balanced on a string held by two sticks , spun and tossed and caught again .
11 That same year there was a school strike in the small town of Września , near Poznań , among Polish pupils who refused to receive religious instruction or to say prayers in German .
12 In that year there was an extraordinary influx into southern England between 30 October and 4 November .
13 In the summer of that year there was an outbreak of swine fever among the workhouse pigs .
14 In May of that year there was an Iraqi Exocet missile attack in the Strait of Hormuz on the USS Stark , which was engaged in the protection of merchant shipping .
15 Early in the new year there was a meeting of the leaders of the main industrial nations , Carter , Schmidt , Giscard , and Callaghan , on the attractive island of Guadeloupe in the French West Indies to discuss both economic and defence matters .
16 Last year there was a 36% reduction in the area of straw burnt , and ministers hope many more growers will stop burning .
17 But over the last year there was a 3.3 percent decline in prices , compared with 2 percent for 1990 , according to the company 's business facts , which puts the average price at £128,598 .
18 A spokeswoman for the album said : ‘ Last year there was a compilation charity record released to coincide with the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and it sold 100,000 copies .
19 They 'd write a poem for her about my greatest fear , I said I remember last year there was a boy called Ali and he wrote a story about a poem about this bird and cos he was really scared of that and so I said I do n't suppose any of you will write about being scared of me except perhaps Adine !
20 In the past year there was a five per cent cutback in studentships , which was exacerbated by the recession .
21 In the next year there was a riot at Windsor .
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