Example sentences of "[adj] now [conj] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Her mocking laughter sounded as clear now as it had done months earlier .
2 Yet it was as impossible now as it had always been , and she groaned .
3 The figure 's breathing was harsh and uneven now and it seemed incapable of further movement .
4 But I did n't like working at Johnny Walkers so I think it was quite a good thing at the time , although I did n't really like it I 'm glad now that it happened cos I 'd probably still be working in there .
5 Following the election result , it seems almost inevitable that Labour will adopt a commitment to some form of proportional representation ( writes Backchat 's ‘ things that seem almost inevitable following the election result ’ correspondent ) , although , ironically , it seems considerably less inevitable now than it did a few weeks ago .
6 This was not because of the enemy fire , which was less frequent now than it had ever been , for evidently the sepoys had decided to bide their time until the end of the rains .
7 She had been right in her assumption about the photograph — she was sure now that it had been taken at one of those supper parties , and without prior warning .
8 The purpose of the vast megalithic constructions , for example , remains almost as mysterious now as it did in the nineteenth century .
9 It was strange , she thought , that her physical response to shock should be the same now as it had been after Hugo was killed , so that to her present grief was added a grief for him as keen , as new as when she had first heard that he was dead .
10 Remorse , dissatisfaction and hope filled his mind as the heat of a glorious midsummer approached , and his yearning for a means to channel his abundant intellectual and emotional energy was greater now than it had ever been .
11 When Scarlet attempted to disagree , albeit feebly , Constance cited the scandals in the City and pointed out that the gap between the highest- and the lowest-paid was greater now than it had been since the nineteenth century .
12 The 1970s were not characterized by an emphasis on the bibliographical aspects of librarianship , and the possibility of wide-scale application of McClellan 's ideas seem more remote now than it did 20 years ago .
13 He 'd had a couple of sessions with his union rep and had been told not to worry , it was just a way of filling some quota ; if anything , his job was probably more secure now than it had been before .
14 For she had been wearing this dress the night she had first glimpsed the truth about her sister , a truth that was as unpalatable now as it had been then .
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