Example sentences of "[adj] time for [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the summer of 1991 , I had another mink film to make — this time for Wildlife on One — and the first place I thought of was the logjam on the River Usk .
2 First , all overlap periods must allow adequate time for exchange of information between the staff coming to duty and those leaving .
3 The median time for return to employment was 18 days .
4 It was also a popular time for processions of witness or walking days , when the members of churches and Sunday schools of all denominations would walk together through the streets , stopping at selected places along the route to sing hymns to bear witness to their Christian faith .
5 This procedure is most suitable for bills that do not raise issues on which parties automatically disagree ; to use select committee-type sittings on such a bill would be to provide further time for repetition of standard partisan arguments .
6 The two groups returned safely to Jalo , where they had to wait some time for news of Jock Lewes and Bill Fraser .
7 In the European Year of Elderly people , we aim to ensure all our readers and the wider public are well aware of elder abuse at this crucial time for services for elderly people .
8 The trip will undoubtedly be a learning experience for both Love and the players , and there wo n't be much time for acclimatisation as the Scots , who arrive at their base in Cape Town tomorrow will play the first of their eight matches on Tuesday .
9 He did n't have much time for politicians as a breed .
10 And then the ship had to be slipped , not once , but twice , first for the scraping , repainting and antifouling of the hull , then a second time for replacement of five defective keel bolts .
11 Supermarkets and libraries too are usually willing to give over part of their foyer for a limited time for exhibitions of children 's work .
12 The match will take place from July 1–5 , believed to be the ideal time for sport on the River Shannon , which has produced ton-up bream hauls in past festivals .
13 As was made clear in the debate today , there is agreement — on both sides , I think — on the latter parts of the Bill dealing with higher education , although here , too , we are providing reasonable time for consideration in Committee .
14 Overall the computational complexity of the system rules it out at the present time for application to the recognition task .
15 It 's a good time for sightseeing in a city that , as well as the famous St Sophia 's Church and the Blue Mosque , is rich with remnants of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires .
16 To allow staff appointments to be made in good time for work to be undertaken for Council Tax it is necessary to go to the Finance Committee on 16 September 1992 with a staff structure , some of which is still subject to review , for example the Control Sections .
17 A good time for orientation in the academic or school library is the beginning of the academic year when students are being introduced to all the available facilities .
18 We fly to Copenhagen on Monday on the 11.45 SAS flight from Glasgow , then catch the late afternoon flight to Bornholm to arrive in good time for dinner at Svaneke , our base for six days .
19 You said that it takes a long time for development between the first idea being mooted and a workable application of the particular physical principle , and you cited , what , fifty years for the development of a nuclear power station — is there always that time lag in technology ?
20 There are frictions in the markets for capital , labour , and products , and it may take a long time for changes in the pattern of demand to work their way through the system .
21 long time for dialects to be accepted but I think I think that boundary is giving way
22 Indeed one possible advantage offered by computers is that they free children from lower order tasks and allow far more time for higher order thinking — instead of laboriously drawing a graph , pupils have more time for analysis of a graph produced by the computer .
23 When businesses just want to get on with doing business , ‘ to be told you can take out a summons but then must allow three to four months for the other side to put forward defences , then allow more time for adjustments of claims and defences , and then , subject to the availability of a judge , you 'll get a hearing on it in 18 months ’ time , is less than satisfactory ’ , said , senior partner with Dorman Jeffrey .
24 Using this approach , it is possible to pick up incipient warning signs as the company starts to decline well in advance of it crossing the solvency threshold , allowing much more time for action to be taken .
25 Your correspondent climbed the Mittelegi Ridge with Roger Alton of The Guardian , followed closely by Doug Scott and Sharu Prabhu , with Tibetan refugee , 14-year-old Karma Sondup , plus James Kagambi from Kenya and Tess Borroughs , a Surrey mother of three who has worked full time for Climb for the World since first reading of it in this magazine last year .
26 One of his crosses was Perdita Macleod , who had now been working full time for Ricky for nine months and felt she knew everything .
27 Nor should it be forgotten , as Professor Orth has pointed out , that in 1799 penalties were prescribed for the first time for workmen as a class , not for hatters or paper makers as a special group ; in other words , the language of the act was concerned with a horizontal social division , not with the reconciliation of difference within the vertical structure of a craft .
28 Keith Lamb , Middlesbrough 's chief executive , said yesterday that ‘ early July ’ was the expected time for confirmation of the club 's playing schedule for the new season , which starts on August 15 .
29 There are terminal and microcomputer facilities at all four campuses , with over 3000 students registered at any given time for use of the central DEC VAX range of computers .
30 There are terminal and microcomputer facilities at all four campuses , with over 3000 students registered at any given time for use of the central DEC VAX range of computers .
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