Example sentences of "[adj] should not [be] taken " in BNC.

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1 I think I need to say on that , that that should not be taken as the county council sitting on the fence between two opposing er extremes .
2 But that should not be taken as a serious disappointment .
3 Mr Stewart added : ‘ If there is a snagging and should the fishing vessel not have a pinger attached to its gear , that should not be taken some way as meaning that the fishing vessel having contributed to her own misfortune .
4 However , this should not be taken to suggest that the present generation are seduced by their salaries and expenses to the degree that they will abandon their principles in order to continue to have access to the institutional channels for political activity .
5 This should not be taken too literally — not every rock in the crust is a granite — things like limestones are vastly different in composition — but the average composition of all the rocks on the continents is about that of granite and contains over 60 per cent of silica .
6 This should not be taken for ‘ yet another diet book ’ ; if anything it is the opposite .
7 Our table lists the factor that influences most choices — the price per gallon — but this should not be taken as a measure of value for money merely as an indicator of price .
8 This should not be taken to imply that consumer spending really depends on credit .
9 However , this should not be taken to imply that this approach does not have its critics or that all researchers working within the developmental paradigm are in agreement regarding the more detailed aspects of language development .
10 This should not be taken to imply any reduction in the facilities or standards previously provided by the establishments affected .
11 This should not be taken to imply that there was in any sense an unrestrained licence for peasant sexuality ; there was no ‘ amorality ’ in a fundamental sense .
12 As we have argued elsewhere ( Wells and Robinson , 1982 ) , however , this should not be taken as evidence against the facilitating effect of an input containing clear , well-formed examples of the target language at an appropriate level of complexity .
13 It is difficult to provide any comparable data over the last thirty years and though the general impression is one of slight reduction in socio-economic inequalities in GP consultation , this should not be taken for granted .
14 But this should not be taken as moral and intellectual capitulation to the Romans .
15 This should not be taken at face value ; our ‘ individuals ’ might better be thought of as neuter , reproducing themselves unaided .
16 This should not be taken as an affront to Philip 's power and prestige .
17 ( This should not be taken to mean that such psychopathological trends could not appear in individuals before the coming of cultivation or delayed-return hunter-gathering , merely that they would have been much less common and could not have taken on the collective , cultural significance which they did in the Neolithic and subsequent epochs . )
18 The degree of similarity between the brain of one species and that of another should not be taken for granted .
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