Example sentences of "[adj] people have [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think it will happen , because I think the German people have learned from their history .
2 The Guardian of May 13 reported that the country 's health directorate had confirmed that 951 people had died from diarrhoea in the previous two weeks , mostly in cyclone-affected areas .
3 Most of the 22 people have moved from Newchurch Hospital , Warrington .
4 By the 1980s 300 people had died from eating the poisoned fish , and at least 1500 more were disabled .
5 On Oct. 19 the government denied reports that up to 300 people had died from starvation following floods in northern Bangladesh .
6 More than 300 people have fallen from trains in the past 20 years .
7 Although the hamlet had just 38 houses , six people had died from cancer , four others suffered forms of the disease and others had motor neurone disease which attacks the central nervous system .
8 ‘ These unfortunate people have come from the north , and they do not know the road as we do . ’
9 Over 200,000 people had fled from the Itang refugee camp near Gambela in Ethiopia , on May 26 .
10 According to Le Monde of Oct. 22 widespread famine had triggered violent protests in a number of northern districts where , the report claimed , up to 5,000 people had died from water-borne diseases in the last two months .
11 It is nonetheless clear that many valuable initiatives in the care of frail elderly people have arisen from the voluntary sector and few would seriously dispute a model of partnership between voluntary and statutory endeavour .
12 Many people have suffered from sales falling through and from house-buying chains , and some of our vendors feel that now 's as good a time as any to sell . ’
13 This restructuring has seen a redistribution of talents as well as a reduction in numbers and many people have transferred from central functions to the regions .
14 You could be right , for many people have drifted from one job to another and finally ended up in public relations .
15 So many people have benefited from its help that this year the parish council have made a grant of nearly £2,000 to see that its work continues in the village .
16 In the second half of 1990 at least 300 people had been charged with offences against state security in the region , and 11 people had died from torture while under arrest .
17 Possibly the pendulum has swung too far in that people have gone from feeling that somewhere in a marriage there should be room to accommodate their personal feelings , to believing that their feelings are everything . ’
18 Twenty-three people had vanished from the face of the earth .
19 Aid workers in Freetown were quoted as estimating that between 3,000 and 5,000 Sierra Leonean civilians and Liberian refugees had been killed by the NPFL since incursions began in March [ see p. 38136 ] , and the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva was quoted on May 4 as saying that 10,000 people had fled from the border area .
20 The approach of the mid-term Congressional elections in November 1946 , and the evidence from the public opinion polls that the American people had moved from wartime admiration of Russia to a grave suspicion of Soviet aims , were further pressures on Truman to take a tougher line .
21 The ICRC estimated that in the town of Iscia Baidoa , 220 km north-west of Mogadishu , 7,000 of the town 's 40,000 people had died from starvation in recent months .
22 They mean that slum clearances still lack completion ; that low standards of living still persist , and that the lessons taught in the school and clinic , and good social habits , do not always survive the pressure of bad home circumstances when young people have passed from supervision .
23 ‘ In the space of one generation , two hundred million people have moved from the countryside to the cities of Asia , Africa and Latin America ’ ( Hellman 1986 : 216 ) .
24 UP TO a million people have fled from northern Rwanda to escape fresh fighting between rebels and government forces , relief workers said yesterday .
25 It follows that working-class people have benefited from this , but they are still more likely to be overcrowded than non-manual groups .
26 So far 39 people have suffered from Salmonellosis .
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