Example sentences of "[adj] when [pron] be [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're right , ’ Carolyn said , ‘ but — I know it 's corny — but it is different when it 's your own .
2 Little Gino , whose ambition had always been to be taller than four foot ten , had got a little too interested when it was his turn and even in the candlelight we could all see that he 'd deliberately got his charm bracelet tangled in one of Sorrel 's suspenders .
3 Why had I not felt this when she was there ?
4 Is this to do with our inability as a nation to be direct when there is something unpalatable to say ?
5 Snip , the mare , was n't as friendly or cooperative as Dick , and used to be very awkward when I was I sweeping the hay with her .
6 Mrs Patten had admitted that canvassing was ‘ rather more stressful when it 's your own husband 's job ’ .
7 Nutty cried out , stung by adults ' crass thinking , wanting one thing , saying another , saying you had to when you did n't want to , and you could n't when you did want , saying you were no good when you were , and good when it was something that did n't matter , like a pootling poem or something .
8 Well obviously it 's er really hard-going when it 's you 're own people from your own station , er very er close station and obviously we know a lot of people er who have been involved in the accident , but the moral of the men is excellent .
9 it was n't busy when we were there was it ?
10 ‘ I know it 's safe when there are lots of people on the ice already , ’ he explains .
11 Love 's O.K. when it 's you in the starring rôle , but me — that 's vile and disgusting .
12 I mean , I did it for four months and then I could n't do any more , I just think I mean , I know Amanda and Claire were a lot younger then and I think it 's difficult when they are they 're younger .
13 I would n't mind looking like that when I 'm his age .
14 I said , ‘ You ca n't do that when it 's your first lover ’ , and my mother frowned .
15 It 's always horrid when it 's someone else 's birthday . ’
16 One of her good qualities was the ability to keep quiet when there was nothing appropriate to say .
17 it 's alright when it 's your own at the time because well it 's , it 's different , when there 's another one there , I mean it , it wears you out so
18 I did n't get the role but it 's hard to be bitter when it 's your bum that did n't get the part . ’
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