Example sentences of "[adj] have be the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These have been the best two weeks of my life .
2 Has the British embassy in Germany made it clear to the German authorities how deeply shocking and despicable have been the racist attacks by Nazi thugs there ?
3 Children and the elderly have been the main victims .
4 The breakdown of traditional national markets , in terms of taste and fashion , coupled with the need to cope with a Europe without internal frontiers in 1992 have been the major stimuli towards growing internationalisation .
5 U-TURNS galore have been the main feature of Government activity in the past month but none has been more important than that over the economy .
6 Among the former have been the national trends towards acceptance of credit accumulation and transfer and all that they imply ; among the latter have been the effect of a tightening national steer on undergraduate student numbers in particular subjects .
7 Countries where prices have tumbled like our own have been the first to benefit from the spark in the market .
8 The cash increases in each of the three years up to 1992–93 have been the biggest ever .
9 Again falling household size has played an important role here in reducing the capacity of these areas , but equally significant have been the tight planning controls on urban development , particularly the wide Green Belts round most of the larger cities .
10 The main sources of regional tension in the 1980s have been the civil war in El Salvador , where the United States has provided ever-increasing amounts of military aid to a succession of right-wing governments , and the role of the United States and the US-backed Contras in undermining the Sandinista government in Nicaragua .
11 Predictably , the main sufferers since fighting flared once more in June 1990 have been the civilian populations — Tamil , Sinhalese and Moslem .
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