Example sentences of "[adj] have [vb pp] [that] there " in BNC.

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1 Despite the apparent decisiveness of Adenauer 's foreign policy , therefore , some have argued that there lay a fundamental ambivalence at the bottom of it , symbolised by the choice of his home town , Bonn , as the new capital : it represented Western orientation all right but , at the same time , it was very obviously only a provisional arrangement .
2 Some have argued that there is a distinctive and relatively homogeneous middle class ; others that the middle class as such does not exist .
3 This , however , is not generally recognised and with the advent of the National Curriculum some have argued that there will be even less scope for innovation .
4 Some have suggested that there are daily rhythms which mirror those of mental performance but which are not as difficult to measure or as prone to interference , and they come up with old standbys , body temperature and adrenalin .
5 Some of those on the left have assumed that there is an inherent socialist majority in Britain which has failed to surface only because successive Labour governments , in pursuing a policy of managing rather than opposing capitalism , have never given that majority its political cue .
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