Example sentences of "[adj] have [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The French have known about their beauty benefits for years , using poultices of fresh carrot to clear blotchy complexions .
2 Most of them have been about the health warning on the advertisement being obscured or obliterated , some have referred to their being too close to schools .
3 Of these , some have quarrelled with his view that individuals are determined by practices on the grounds that , as Lukes puts it , any theory built on such a foundation fails to deal with the central problem of the relation between structure ( i.e. the constraints on actors ) and agency ( i.e. the freedom of agents ) .
4 Some have to pay for their hotel rooms ; others do n't .
5 There are few nations as proud as America , because few have instilled in its population the pride and glory of being a citizen of as great a nation as this .
6 Hundreds have benefited from its training schemes .
7 ‘ The good news is that paramount have gone for it . ’
8 This dedicated band of three have given over their lives and wallets to visiting every football ground in the Multivite Vegeburger/Singletons Valve Replacement League .
9 We both knew that if you draw — or more likely have drawn for you — lane I then you stand no chance .
10 These have varied in their emphasis and precision , but in November 1984 the panel accepted the following :
11 Meanwhile the elderly have to rely on their families for support .
12 The morass of such reasonings is very treacherous and many have disappeared into it , suffocating in its mud .
13 A National League medal , Ulster medals , an Allstar accolade — all have landed on his table and have been eagerly digested .
14 We all have to keep on our toes when she 's around . ’
15 ‘ We all have to think of ourselves from time to time , do n't we ? ’
16 All have found to their cost that on his game there 's simply no stopping the hurling genius .
17 Yes , more have came to me that 's right
18 He had promised himself that he would not get too involved with her , but at this moment he could no more have parted from her than he could have cut his own throat .
19 But to complain that its effect was therefore paralysingly glum would no more have occurred to her as fair than to complain that it made her feel fat .
20 ‘ It is also felt that the Hampshire County Council officials concerned have failed in their duties in allowing this to happen and , perhaps more importantly , in taking no action to ensure reinstatement is made .
21 Even if I hate him I think he 's the most important player Leeds United have had in my time as a Leeds United supporter .
22 I feel the resistance seconds later , when the fish plunges into the lilies to the left of the gap 1 have cut into them .
23 With his splendid physique and proud , noble head his presence is such as to give him an instant advantage over any bowler , and he has rarely failed to put that advantage to use ; spinners in particular have suffered at his hands , but when he decides that he wants to score runs it is virtually impossible to bowl to him .
24 Oddbins in particular have flourished with their stores reminiscent of dusty Mediterranean cellars .
25 " You two have asked for it , " he growled , " and now you 're going to get it ! "
26 So because they do n't like the sound of this the other two have drawn off their magic stone and got them into the top jobs in er consortium !
27 Chefs have banned it from their kitchens , farmers see it as a threat to the family farm , and the Swiss have voted on it ( amongst many other issues admittedly ) .
28 Both have voted against it .
29 The economic crises of the 1980s have contributed to its expansion in this decade .
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