Example sentences of "[adj] 's what have [be] " in BNC.

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1 That 's what 's been going around the common room and that 's what all this adds up to . ’
2 I 've wanted you all the time , that 's what 's been half the trouble , thinking I was never going to have you again . "
3 well what 's the point of the lake ? , that 's what 's been worrying me , I was going to ask Mr what is the punter supposed to see ?
4 So that 's what 's been going on in terms of output , in terms of orders already received , orders are up in all mainland regions of the U K. It 's the first time that we 've seen that since er the beginning of the recession and that 's the sense in which we think one can say erm reasonably sort of er straightforwardly that the recovery has indeed spread around the mainland economy .
5 He said I bet it 's that that 's been , oh and then it jumped down and ran corner at g where ch caravan is , he said I bet that 's what 's been eating your bloody daffodil bulbs and that .
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