Example sentences of "[adj] 's all [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's sort of grid iron pattern streets on the south side of the High Street ; on the north side that 's all disrupted by the castle and , as far as one can tell , when the town and the area around it , the Rape of Lewes , was ceded to William De Warren , most of the local powers of the Town Council such as it was were taken away and subverted and the town became a minorial borough and although it sent Members of Parliament to Westminster from the end of the thirteenth century , it only had a very sort of ramshackle corporation , because the lords of the manor of Lewes kept control fairly tightly on what the town was actually allowed to do and on its internal freedoms .
2 On the north side , that 's all disrupted by the Castle , and as far as one can tell , when the town and the area around it , the of Lewes was ceded to William de Warren , most of the local powers of the town council , such as it was , were taken away and subverted , and the town became a manorial borough .
3 And it 's at no extra cost that 's all built into the price .
4 Well , erm , there is a cost involved in moving from , physically moving from one to the other , and also when you have to weigh up er , costs of moving your family or the risks involved and things like that , so that 's all involved in that .
5 I think that er concern should also spread to animals that are hunted pleasure as well , i.e. the stags , deer , foxes , hares , I mean , there 's there 's quite a considerable list that 's all done for entertainment .
6 ‘ No , that 's all done by computer .
7 But that 's all done by N F U , , you need have no part of that unless you want to have .
8 that 's all grown from leaves , just put the leaves in water and the little shoots come on them and then I put them in after some , when they 've got their little roots on them and they grow , that 's , that 's one I 've grown from , from just leaves and one in over there in the window I 've grown from leaves .
9 That 's all set in
10 That was terrible that was , cos that 's where a lot of their stuff was dumped , in the river at one time , cos now that 's all taken to sea .
11 That 's that 's all taken in
12 that 's all taken in the gardens .
13 That 's all taken in the gardens and and inside the building of the palace of .
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