Example sentences of "[adj] were say to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The same day the USA was reported to have extended its food airlift to the town of Baidoa , where hundreds were said to be dying from starvation each day .
2 All three were said to be in a critical condition last night .
3 All were said to be members of the Jihad group behind the assassination of President Anwar Sadat in 1981 .
4 On July 29 a Croatian report cited figures from the Bosnian health centre that to date 8,018 had been killed in the fighting and 100,000 were said to be in " concentration camps " , reports of which remained unconfirmed .
5 Another five were said to be ‘ very poorly ’ after being transferred to a hospital specialising in infectious diseases .
6 Many of the dead were said to be members of anti-guerrilla vigilante self-defence organisations .
7 Both were said to be ‘ very happy ’ while pondering a name for the 7lb 3oz boy born on Friday night in the Wellington hospital , north-west London .
8 Both were said to be of no fixed abode , although they originate from the Old Swan district of Liverpool .
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