Example sentences of "[adj] were [adj] for the " in BNC.

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1 Of the 80 unrelated control subjects , 53 were homozygous for the 3.6 kb fragment ( 3.6/3.6 ) , 23 were heterozygous — that is , they possessed both the 3.6 kb and the 3.5 kb fragment ; 3.6/3.5 kb ) — and four were homozygous for the 3.5 kb fragment ( 3.5/3.5 ) ( Table I ) .
2 Of 61 patients with gastric ulcer , 23 were homozygous for the large fragment ( 3.6/3.6 ) , 32 were heterozygous for the RFLP ( 3.6/3.5 ) , and six were homozygous for the small fragment ( 3.5/ 3.5 ) .
3 The frescos also had high carbon levels , and these were responsible for the darkening of the paintings .
4 A hgh hepatitis C virus circulation ( in Italy the prevalence of blood donors positive for anti-hepatitis C virus ranges from 0.68 to 1.38% ) could well account for the high prevalence of anti-hepatitis C virus in our series of chronic liver disease with unknown aetiology ( 66 of 100 ) : of the 66 anti-hepatitis C virus positive cases , however , only 21 were positive for the autoantibodies currently considered as reliable markers of autoimmune hepatitis .
5 The Board interviewed five candidates ( listed below ) and unanimously agreed that while all were suitable for the post , it recommended that Miss Valerie Muirhead be offered the post , to be taken up as soon as possible , at a salary two points below the maximum of the AA main scale .
6 All were eyeless for the crows and ravens pluck the succulent pieces first .
7 Of 61 patients with gastric ulcer , 23 were homozygous for the large fragment ( 3.6/3.6 ) , 32 were heterozygous for the RFLP ( 3.6/3.5 ) , and six were homozygous for the small fragment ( 3.5/ 3.5 ) .
8 Of 61 patients with gastric ulcer , 23 were homozygous for the large fragment ( 3.6/3.6 ) , 32 were heterozygous for the RFLP ( 3.6/3.5 ) , and six were homozygous for the small fragment ( 3.5/ 3.5 ) .
9 Age Concern wrote in December to social security minister Nicholas Scott expressing anger severely disabled people over 65 were ineligible for the 1993 Fund .
10 The other two were mad for the rest of their lives .
11 Of the 80 unrelated control subjects , 53 were homozygous for the 3.6 kb fragment ( 3.6/3.6 ) , 23 were heterozygous — that is , they possessed both the 3.6 kb and the 3.5 kb fragment ; 3.6/3.5 kb ) — and four were homozygous for the 3.5 kb fragment ( 3.5/3.5 ) ( Table I ) .
12 Saussure called for , not the abandonment of diachronic study , but the recognition that synchronic and diachronic study led to different kinds of knowledge , and that both were necessary for the true understanding of language .
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