Example sentences of "[adj] she [vb past] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At this she changed her tone , and asked quickly , ‘ Is he all right ? ’
2 In this she stated her belief that colour was not tied down to form but instead floated free , and that research into the nature of colour would lead to questions ‘ about being itself ’ .
3 Celia felt that she had actively begun to dislike her , although it was clear she knew her job .
4 In the early 1900s she began her research on the formation of sand ripples on the seashore caused by the oscillatory movement of water , and this led her to develop the ‘ Ayrton fan ’ in 1915 , a hand-operated device for expelling poisonous gases from the trenches .
5 ‘ Demi came backstage to tell you how much she enjoyed your show , ’ Emilio announced with smooth diplomacy .
6 There she had a row with her mother after which she went to her bedroom , wrote a note saying how much she loved her boyfriend , and took an overdose of approximately 30 aspirin tablets and cut both her wrists superficially with a razor .
7 On Jan. 7 she declared her intention to contest the presidency , and expressed the hope that she could forge a united opposition coalition .
8 When I told my mum I was pregnant she phoned my dad up .
9 She urged on the days until the chance o f their transfer away , she wrote waspy letters to her mother three times a week , and whenever possible she badgered her Yuri to take her to the shops at Pot'ma .
10 In 1794 she published her Collection of Poems and Fables , by which time she had suffered a number of domestic calamities , including the death of a child and apparently the imprisonment of her husband .
11 When the car suddenly collided with something solid she knew her prayers had n't been answered .
12 Her happiness because of this scene was so strong she closed her eyes so that it would not beam out in great mellow streams and betray her to the sternness of the others .
13 Lunch was taken on the terrace alone beneath the warming rays of the April sunshine , and after that she continued her exploration of the house , amazed at the number of rooms that were apparently shut up and wondering why it was that a man like Marc Alexander Vila would choose to live alone in this enormous and obviously expensive mausoleum .
14 The next day she was signed up to the top model agency Storm — and the day after that she started her modelling career .
15 Her husband 's just grateful she survived her ordeal .
16 I 'm glad she forgot her hairbrush — it really reminds me of her .
17 Sure she had our Raymond fucking
18 Better make sure she wiped her arse properly first .
19 ‘ I 'm sure she called him Magnus , ’ Miss Honey said .
20 Mrs Marriage came up tentatively along the line of boats , making sure she caught her husband 's good eye before she moved into their circle of secrecy .
21 And above all she had her mother 's pride and hardness .
22 Only much later did it occur to her that this was her failure : academically self-sufficient and wholly self-centred she saw their sullenness and ignorance as their concern and their fault .
23 Eventually he pushed his hand inside her brassiere and began kneading one of her breasts , but instead of responding she lay motionless and waited as she always did ; gradually the movements of his hand grew slower , the rhythm of his breathing more regular , and when at last he lay still she disentangled his hand from her twisted clothing and slipped out from underneath him .
24 From 1926 to 1930 she shared her ideas about colour with the painter Christopher Wood and for those few years their work looked similar .
25 From the first she took her meals with Anna .
26 At first she treated his request in a light-hearted way and broke into a fit of giggles .
27 First she dedicated her song that night to the man who was bleeding ( he was still in The Bar , the taxi had n't come yet ) , and then to the men who had brought their fists down on his face just two streets from her Bar .
28 The thought lit a mischievous little spark deep within , and at first she shook her head , telling herself it was a ridiculous idea .
29 At seventeen she bore his daughter , but it died .
30 And then you mentioned Thorn House , and my birth on the same day as Donna , and she was so shocked she spilled her tea .
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