Example sentences of "[adj] she have [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 When she was two years old she had seemed to be of a cheerful disposition and laughed obediently when he made a witch out of his knotted handkerchief or cast a swan 's shadow against her bedroom wall with his fingers .
2 And at the end of it all , realising how much she has contributed to and gained from this greatest of all creative acts , she proclaims that she is Myself , Myself .
3 On the course , she stands out for her softly , rather than aggressively , spiked hair , a finish with the driver which , like Arnold Palmer 's , tells you precisely how much she has given to the shot , and an unusually generous attitude towards the opposition .
4 By the early 1640s she had moved to London and begun a religious quest in pursuit of whose ends she became involved with the first Quakers in 1654 .
5 A few months after that she had said to Rachel ,
6 Even after all she had done to him .
7 That was probably all she had left to be proud of — she was still alive .
8 The details recalled by Carol during the regression ( and which she continued to remember afterwards ) tallied precisely with those she had given to the police on the night the rape had occurred .
9 At first she had complained to Aggie , saying they were stupid because they taught nothing but the abc and counting , and that most of the time was spent singing hymns and listening to stories from the Bible .
10 However , first she had to talk to Rob .
11 ‘ Yes , you 're O.K. She 's gone to evening class . ’
12 It was quite the nearest she had come to losing her temper .
13 She pocketed the Beretta , her hands still trembling as she thought of how close she had come to firing on the turn .
14 And how close she had come to stultifying it !
15 All Folly could think of was how near she had come to losing him .
16 She felt faint when she thought how near she had come to disaster .
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