Example sentences of "[adj] which [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , there is another sense in which syntactic analysis might be independent of semantic and pragmatic analysis , and it is this which we discuss in the next section .
2 It is this which he takes as the key to an understanding of contemporary society , and of culture itself .
3 Well a ponch er it 's sort of made of wood , and got a got a handle crosswise which you held in one half of it in each hand , it had a stem , and on the on the ponch itself was a sort of er piece of wood that had been er cut out to have about four , I think it was four , legs on this , you see and you used to stand over the ponch and
4 One story of how a local university academic had come into the police station to report his car missing , because he had forgotten where he had parked it , was repeated with relish ; while another which I told on my return from university satisfied these deeply held views of the ‘ intellectual 's ’ practical ineptitude :
5 My Lords , erm the , the th the most I think perhaps er th th th the Noble Lord , Lor Lord erm referred to my amendments and particularly to Amendment twenty-one which I share with I share certainly share this view with him that that is probably the most important of the ones which is which er I am concerned and to which I put my name and also I do n't think it necessary at this stage to add to my remarks , but I do believe that the that the overwhelming need here is to strengthen the representation of elected erm members on police authorities and to er walk er to tear away from the trend as I see it which is in which is erm the er my Right Honourable Friend , the Home Secretary has written into this Bill of increasing the power of the central Government .
6 You then choose to pay the amount owing in full with no interest added ; or elect to pay back only part of the sum and pay interest on the amount left outstanding which you repay in the future .
7 The feeling under an old yew tree is quite different to that which one experiences beneath a chestnut , a willow or an oak .
8 Some of them have been invited again and again to meet the London ambulance service for a briefing other than that which they get from the trade union .
9 Advice workers unfortunately may see two strands to their training : that which they are required to undergo , contrasted with that which they want in order to overcome their personal shortcomings in the interview room .
10 As the later authors have adjusted the dating of the Muftilik of Molla Arab in order to make room for that of Abdulkerim , so they have stretched the facts considerably in extending the Muftilik of Molla Husrev to cover the whole vexed period from the date which they give for the death of Fahreddin Acemi , namely 865/1460–1 , to that which they give for the accession of Molla Gurani ( 885/1480 ; but cf. below , pp. 144 et sqq. , especially p. 150 ) .
11 All the thoughts and experience of the world had etched and moulded there , in that which they have of power to refine and make expressive the outward form , the animalism of Greece , the lust of Rome , the mysticism of the Middle Ages with its spiritual ambition and imaginative loves , the return of the Pagan world , the sins of the Borgias .
12 ‘ The king having said this , ill present , both great and small , gave their assent , and renouncing the more imperfect institution resolved to conform to that which they found to be better . ’
13 I think I should start by stressing the process through which we have gone in order to prepare this report has been somewhat different this year from that which we followed in the past and
14 Note that the basic approach , with very young children , is in many ways similar to that which we use with other age groups : I , the teacher , do not know .
15 Nevertheless there is a distinction to be drawn between the value we must ascribe to language and that which we ascribe to art .
16 And yet we are seeing as members , coming back to Mr 's point , making a , setting an example which is opposite to that which we force on our employees .
17 In this process the danger is that we destroy the inner reality of that which we appear to be preserving .
18 It is not satisfactory to change a policy such as that which we have at the moment , and to have add-ons for the environment .
19 The remains of these edifices in Italy , France , Germany , Spain , Yugoslavia , Greece , Rumania and Asia Minor give us a clear idea of their way of life as well as their modes of building and it is a much more complete picture than that which we have from the Greek civilisation because of its very complexity and variety .
20 In Britain 's case it also remains true that she has to make up in sales to the world outside the EEC that which she loses by running a heavy deficit with the Community .
21 Since 1945 , Britain 's record has been consistently better than that which she achieved in the interwar years — an average of 20 per cent of GDP as compared with 11 per cent [ Matthews et al. , 1982 ] .
22 Much of Greenfield 's paper derives from the theoretical foundations laid by Bernstein and she is surprised how closely the ‘ verbal deprivation ’ he identifies in working-class English youths corresponds to that which she found amongst the Wolof .
23 The infinitive 's relation to the modals is thus exactly parallel in the field of potentiality to that which it entertains with auxiliary do in the field of actuality .
24 Even so , the significance it has for Hobbes is nothing like that which it had for Bacon .
25 In the Western democracies of the late twentieth century the state has taken on an entirely different character from that which it had in the period of laissez-faire capitalism , or in earlier periods , when its functions were mainly confined to tax collecting , internal repression , and external conflict with other states ; now it is responsible in addition for the operation of a great range of public services as well as a general regulation of the whole economic system .
26 Russia at this time had potential labour force over double that which it had in the mid 19th Century .
27 In the foregrounding model , stylistic value has a slightly different meaning from that which it has in the " stylistic variants " model : it refers to the special act of interpretation which we make in order to make sense of what would otherwise appear strange and unmotivated .
28 Although disputes continue over detail , there remains a persuasive logic to its arguments , paralleling that which it accords to the growth of the party .
29 It is humanity itself which must establish that which it wants to be right , and that which it wants to be wrong .
30 It is humanity itself which must establish that which it wants to be right , and that which it wants to be wrong .
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